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Everything posted by JakeyBaby

  1. Man, the back to work deer stories!! You cant make some of this stuff up! Something tells me I've been doing it all wrong. Forget everything and do the most random stupid things and your going to put a good one down!
  2. Back to reality for me![emoji43] Work sucks!
  3. Congrats great buck!
  4. Awesome congratulations!
  5. Because it's in you blood!
  6. Congrats on the donkey!
  7. Take a morning off and it feels like it's been a week! Crazy...... Been here 15 mins and small buck already came through. I predict some good movement tonight with the big temp swing.
  8. Not going to lie, felt good to sleep in!
  9. No doe is safe tonight! I've put to many hours this season at this point to have any meat down. Itchy finger and I'm hungry!
  10. [emoji1787][emoji23][emoji1787][emoji24][emoji24][emoji24]!! I want to meet him!!!
  11. Sounds like the library here.
  12. Pretty sure this will be my last morning sit for the year. Seems like movement has shut right down in the mornings the last few days, which is expected. Like the first 2-3 weeks of season I think it's more harm then good. Going to check cameras after this sit and hopefully Ocho is still in the neighborhood. Last pick I have of him was last Saturday walking across a food plot at 10 am. [emoji2961][emoji379]
  13. Good luck guys, someone should put one to sleep tonight!
  14. Doesn't surprise me that a day I'm grounded seems to have them up and moving like they should be. As the Drurys say the 1st south wind after a front , you better be in a tree.
  15. I try telling her I do it all for her...... but she doesn't bye it.....
  16. I'm on the bench today! Momma is shopping all day and deserves a break from kids as I have been non existent at home. Back at tomorrow.
  17. Slow morning. 6 doe spotted. Neighbor to the East shot which I confirmed a doe and the neighbor to the North shot but dont know what it was, drove around to try and see but they weren't out of the woods yet. Fingers crossed it wasn't "Ocho" [emoji17]
  18. Starting to question my sanity after today! More doe then I've ever seen in my life. Only 2 1st racks and had deer around me all day, non stop. Didnt go 5 mins without seeing deer. Colder then I've ever been! Brutal out there for November, felt like February! I've yet to lay eyes on this deer that I'm chasing and hope it comes soon because I'm starting to feel drained! Tomorrow is another day. Happy Thanksgiving and good luck to everyone who gets out tomorrow.
  19. Just sacrificed my hands for my feet! Toes hurt to much so I took my boots off and stuffed my hot hands in them! Feels much better already! Currently have 5 doe feeding at 40 yards and the first buck of the day finally working his way towards the doe. Only problem is it's a first rack.
  20. I've made my decision and going to sit all day. Deer just keep piling in . Haven't gone 5 mins without seeing a deer. With this cold front I'm desperately convincing my self that he has to show at some point today whether it's for food or love.
  21. Getting worse LOL!
  22. Huge snow squalls here now! Crazy how windy and how hard it is and I have 8 doe that i know of feeding in acorns like its nothing! I'm having to use my tree brella a shield to keep the snow if me!!! Wow!!
  23. I sure hope so! Definitely getting windier and colder by the minute. Still have deer all over!
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