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Everything posted by JakeyBaby

  1. Well, the Woodcock season unfortunately has come to a close! We pounded hard for them covering alot of ground in search of a wild bird. Unfortunately we never flushed a single bird but that's just the way it goes. We will continue to chase pheasants here and there, then once the gun season begins to wind down we will be in hot pursuit of Grouse, can't wait!
  2. As a matter of fact yes! It's really a very simple process and science....... Ozone is an extremely unstable molecule. With that being said it attaches itself to anything and everything around it, in this case our scent. When I say everything I'm referring to your dander, breathe, azzhole, armpits, leg pits, hell even cigarette smoke and your cell phone that everyone plays on while sitting there that probably has more scent on it then anything. Personally I think it kind of helps on your clothes maybe a little, when it's truly working is when you are running it while in the tree or on the ground doesn't matter. It has to be ran properly also, swirling winds are tough as the ozone will go in a direction and your scents go in another. The ONLY way to say whether or not it works is to try it..... to say it something does or doesn't work when never experimenting with it is absurd.
  3. Yes, I run ozone on my clothes and in the tree. Without a doubt it works, the number of deer you see that come from a down wind area after I started running ozone is truly hard to believe. Put their nose in the air to check you, flicker their tail and they simply just keep walking. Like you i always play the wind no matter what, but if I forget my ozone heading to the tree, I'm turning around and going home!
  4. Was wondering if there is anyone else out there chasing these birds? I have pounded a ton of ground with my dog is search of our first Woodcock, and have flat out come out empty handed! I'm thinking it may be due to the lack of rain and how dry it is? Anyway I would like to try and possibly go after some Grouse ( another bird on our hit list) next week before the orange army hits the woods and shuts us down until they are gone. Anyone that has Grouse experience, would you target the Southern Tier area or Tug Hill area? I know both should have some sort of bird action, but with this is all completely new to me its alot to figure out! Any help would be great appreciated.
  5. I was hunting Tonawanda yesterday and had 6 on me in the first 10 mins and the dog probably had more.
  6. I tried Woodcock hunting today with no luck, but I had more ticks on me then I've ever seen total in my life. Dog had just as many, felt violated!
  7. Congrats Joe! Way to get done AGAIN!!
  8. Congrats Billy!! Awsome deer.
  9. I also agree, but this whole tracking collar idea came to me two weeks ago while pheasant hunting. We were sitting by my truck done for the day, when I guy came walking up to us asking if we had seen a dog? Had been missing for a while and no clue where it was. Even though I am very very confident in my training and my dogs obedience, I couldn't imagine coming home and telling my kids and wife that I lost our dog. Hell she as already told me that if I don't come home with him then don't bother coming home myself! I don't really see it being a step up in that fact of getting more birds killed, and hell I personally love listening to nothing more then that bell, then silence!! I also use him to track deer so thought it would be cool to go back and see the tracks. Either way I will feel much better putting him plus more dogs in the future on the ground knowing I know where they are at all time.
  10. Ooo I know! The dog game is crazy from top to bottom , but man Is it addicting! Nothing better then watching your own dog work.
  11. I don't believe the Alpha 10 does, I'm pretty sure there is a toggle you have to select what you want. I may be wrong as I looked into a bunch of units. I'm sure I could have spent more on a different unit that would give me that capability, but I maxed out at $750 for the Astro 430 and wife is not that thrilled about it! [emoji1787][emoji1787]
  12. Decided to go with the Garmin Astro 430 and t5x collar. Didn't like the thought of having to fumble through screens to change from Tone,, Vibrate, and stimulation, and only being able to use one at a time. This way I will run thw Astro GPS paired with my 450x collar for corrections if needed. Originally didn't want to have to strap multiple collars on him but , I think it will be the most productive way.
  13. Makes sense!
  14. So you run all three t5, t15 and t15 mini.... any particular reason why? I'm kinda leaning towards either the Garmin astro 430 or Alpha 10. More towards the alpha so I don't have to run two separate collers as the Astro is GPS only. Not sure about mini vs. full size either....
  15. Mine is similar as he doesn't range far at all. He will go out when the cover allows him to, but once he loses me completely he will come back to check in. Only being 21 months we are still both learning alot and wanted to add the GPS as a insurance policy that he was coming home with me no matter what. Also to let me know that if he is on point in heavy cover to show me exactly where he is.
  16. Was wondering if anyone is running GPS collers on their bird dogs? The prices of these things are crazy like every thing else these days, but what's a good functioning colller to keep track of where the dog is? With the bird dog world being so addicting i plan on covering a lot of unknown and traveled ground , so a coller is a must at this point! Thanks Matt
  17. Anyone know what actually triggered the Tournament to cut this guys fish opened when he came to the scales?
  18. While watching the video I was waiting and hoping someone from the crowd would have closes lined that POS from behind! How bad this truly is for the sport aside, how ln the world did he think he could keep adding 2 lbs each to these fish and not have someone catch on and how did it take this long?? I know if I look at a 4lb Walleye and the scale says 6lbs..... I'm buying a new scale!
  19. I will take it if it's still available!
  20. I'm also looking for pigeon launcher's if anyone happens to have them that they want to get rid of!!
  21. I am, I think I have just not had it where there are big enough numbers of birds. Also not having a bird for a decoy hurts to.
  22. I have looked there, the problem is the bridges are concrete and I did not see any evidence of birds
  23. Wondering if anyone may have an idea where I can buy some pigeons in the Rochester area. I have tried trapping them with very little success up to this point, so now I'm trying anything to get my hands on some. Thanks Matt
  24. Congrats guys with a great finish! Less is more A LOT of times. 1st year for me missing the shootout and it sucks. Kids Baseball trumped it this year, but hopefully back next!
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