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Everything posted by JakeyBaby

  1. Only had a few doe come into the plot last night. I think the wind may have hade them tied up a bit. Maybe try again tonight but the wind conditions are going to be strong again. As for killing that deer I will have to wait and see if I can put my own eyes him. Both deer are 3 1/2 that I have on camera and that is where I set my bar at a few seasons ago. It's very hard to let a 3 1/2 walk where I hunt! I feel if you can take that caliber of a deer consistently in my area you are doing pretty damn good. Although the big 8 my wife named "Ocho" is the one i am truely after! Let's just hope one wants to play.
  2. Most days he would be for me also.... but...... with the big 8 that's there too I'm not sure I would do.
  3. Somehow when checking my card earlier I didn't even see this guy is hitting the same plot!! Not sure if he's a shooter but he's definitely nice!
  4. Awsome night! 4 bucks, a doe with 2 button bucks and 2 doe in the plot when I waked in. Last light had the big boy come In at 10 yards! Bristled up walked a 1st rack down then snort weezed! Just 5 mins to late. Hopefully tomorrow he does the same thing just 10 mins earlier!
  5. Just settled in over a clover and chicory plot that has had the big 8 in 2 times this week. Hopefully he reads the script!
  6. Finally got what looks like a shooter....
  7. Finally got what looks like a shooter....
  8. Congrats to both of you!!
  9. No I didnt...??? My buddy who leases with me shot an 8 pt. I still have a tag and will be hitting hard!
  10. Tomorrow is the day that I will officially begin to hit it hard can't wait. Did ducks and geese this morning.
  11. So I take it that means the break wall will be out!?
  12. Things are definitely going to starting ramping up after this front comes through! Been waiting for things to be right before hitting it hard! Will be duck hunting Saturday morning then in a tree hard from then on. My buddy managed to take a deer he's been chasing Monday evening. HUGE body and taped out at 158 1/8! Monroe County Monster!
  13. Couldn't agree more, EVERY animal taken with stick and string is a trophy! Congrats!
  14. I'd have to agree. I have sidelined myself more this year then ever by far! Alot has to do with the fact that I have yet to even get a pic of a 3 1/2 year old to this point. And for me that is my target 3 1/2 or older! Most mature deer don't usually tend to show up a little later in the season do to the lack of agg on my properties. Most consist of thick stuff you can't penatrate. Even with all our food plots it's tough to compete with farmers fields when it comes to food. Good things are coming I can feel it!
  15. Very surprised this morning. After 7:45 the deer have had me covered up! Bucks, does, and fawns. One of the fawns must have a cold she was sneezing up a storm. Heard a buck grunt louder then I have ever heard. First sit in this spot this to to pretty much just scout, bailing out shortly to leave it till things start getting good!
  16. Same thoughts here! Zero movement thus far
  17. Congrats!! Nothing like taking deer with bow, it's the best!
  18. You have the spot! A big one will show himself soon..... as they always do! I truly think this is the season for BIG deer to hit the dirt.
  19. Def a shooter pelt! I would bet he's over 3.5 by the size of his body and head at this stage of the game
  20. Welcome back D D!
  21. The way I see it most New York is left in the wind for problems that occur in this state. All tge time, energy, and money goes to that SCUM hole city know as NYC! Separate the state from that city and alot of the problems that occur can be addressed since the founding from taxes could cover it rather then going east to keep that hole up and running!! That's where the real problem is when it comes down to having officers available and money to punish for these kinds of things. Hell we could probably have a road or to fixed also.
  22. He also probably got your wind to Richie.... I would say leave it and let it rest for a little bit. In another 2 weeks the last thing on his brain is going to be that tree.
  23. Congrats!! Definitely seemed like a good morning to be in the woods!
  24. Good luck guys!
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