Yup definitely shooting that deer 1st or last day! 10 point with great mass and at least 3 1/2 years old? Better not walk in front of me. Don't pay attention to the T.V. land you are not hunting Lee and Tiffany s property.
Man I wish I was in a tree right now! This afternoon going in to one of best stands if the wind holds true. Tomarrow morning I'm torn wether to go for Bucks or Ducks. Right now leaning towards Bucks
Does anyone ever have much luck with rattling in Monroe and surrounding counties? I probably put more time in a tree then most and have tried it for YEARS and still have never has success with it? Have heard from people that it works great??? Not for me, as I have yet to rattle one in I still try and try again.
Yes it's has been that way for a few years now. But unfortunately this year it is NO longer in effect since this great state says we as hunters are not allowed to shoot a buck during the late season! In the designated areas that is.
I'm so sorry I got turned around and lost my compass! My buddy's cousin told me he had permission and to just sit in any stand I came across. If anyone sees just run!