Snowmobilers dont have anything to worry about, might get one weekend of ride able snow a season nowadays and that's not until late February- March. Plus I'm pretty sure it states that it would not affect the opening of trails. As for the rest of it, I like the late season, do away with the long gun season during the rut.
I have mine going pretty good now that we have finally gotten some rain. I have just under a acre of soy beans fenced off, 2 acres of corn and a couple plots with clover and Chicory.
Was wondering what one would do or have to do if they were fishing for Walleyes at night like a lot of Walleye guys do? Catch a fish at 10:00 o'clock for example, you can not weigh the fish correct? Only after 12:00 am is fish legal to Weigh?
Looking for a starboard side Windshield for a Tracker Targa. Hopefully someone here could possibly have a lead to where I can find one off a used boat. Any help or info on something would greatly be appreciated!! Thanks A Lot!
Looking to buy a Beckman Net in the next few days but not exactly sure what size to order. I need it for the obvious Ontario fish and Erie Walleye, so dont want to get one that is to big or to small. Thanks
First off congrats to everyone that scored so far. This season has hands down been my toughest season to date for chasing Turkeys. I've yet to hear a bird let alone see one, and I have been grinding! Just dont get where these birds are??? And now I'm sitting In a snow storm! Crazy.