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Posts posted by skipjack

  1. Dec do not care about getting you a new tag. I shot a big doe four years ago, skinned it no more then 3 hours later. And it was wasted, gangrene bad. Hind quarters looked like delaminated plywood. I called the gamewarden he told me to take it to the biologist. I did she wasn't there. Left my name and number with the Secretary. Never got a call. Called game warden back he told me he would be at my house no later then four hours later. Long story short still waiting for that tag. Wasted three days of hunting to boot. Neither the biologist or warden called.

  2. Totally right Justin. The one thing most people don't relies is vld's require faster twist rates than most stock rifles have. Also some magazine s will not work when the bullet is loaded to the lands or close to them. Justine if you have any questions on starting to reload call me. I have been doing it awhile.

  3. Gee lets see mister three feathers. What about the government that made it so I cannot hand down to my child what was handed down to me. Or the fact the same buffoons tell me to register or sell,what I rightfully owned legally a year ago. Nothing like taking a few thousand dollar loss because a bunch of morrons told me I had to. I am a vet and like many on this site defended the constitution and live by it. What a slap to the face of all vet past and present let alone the forefathers of this great nation of ours.

  4. Im taking my versaball's off my boat. They will slip. And for me I have to take my trolling board and riggers off to fix. There are holes to but set screws, but with around3000 plus dollars hanging by them I really don't feel the need to make them weaker by putting more holes in them.

  5. My x4 is less then a year old and used maybe 8 Times. Always goes from spoon box to rigger and back when I'm done. I brought it up today and the battery compartment was full of water. The thing is cracked under the cap. Along where it's molded. I have mag 20's.and it has never hit the boat. My question is has anyone else had this problem. Sucks that I need a new one.

  6. Do you want to sell the 768? I would be interested. You could buy or make a rigger board. Not a bad idea to do, might keep you from going in the drink to boot. I know my board kept me in the boat an a few rough solo trips.

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