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Everything posted by wallaholic

  1. Sean Youngblood I responded to your PM.
  2. PM sent.
  3. https://www.boatingmag.com/gear/e-flare-options-for-boaters/ I like to keep a few extra on board as well. I also invested in these new replacements( check out the link). Also make sure fire extinguishers meet new requirements.
  4. Sold/Closed No longer available! Hard to find, like new condition Offshore Tackle Night Light Side Planer Board Flags: 2 port(red) 2 starboard(green) Working order with 15 extra 357 batteries. Batteries Retail for $7/3pack, $35 value 4 lighted flags w/batteries $80.00 shipped Text/Call +1 (315) 804-4502 for the fastest response.
  5. Good to see you out mike! Nice fish.
  6. Still available? Just fyi I sent a pm with no response over a week ago.
  7. Reels are 100% useable and just need to be put to work.
  8. 6 reels left, buy all 6 for $180 shipping included
  9. 2 sold, 6 each 100 series, and 1 each 300 series available.
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