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Iron Duke

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Posts posted by Iron Duke

  1. Not a bad plan but I think your gonna see suspended marks 20 to 50 heavy first thing in the morning and there will be some on the bottom but I think with the front approaching they will be on the feed in the top 50 so I would really focus there unless the graph shows other wise... spin doctors and flys and some smaller spoons will get it done.. Good luck and hope you post some pics of some smiling kids holding fish when your all done.. I was just looking at the weather and there is a possible dangerous front moving thru late morning so keep an eye on the cell radar..

    Sent from my SM-N910V using Lake Ontario United mobile app

  2. You will be fine... I would launch at branchport and fish the west side... Only place you may find it gets really choppy is down near bluff at widest point of lake but looking at my forecast it should be fine all morning.. But If it is rough you could always fish the south end and probably won't get rough enough to notice down there even with the wind blowing..


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  3. Hi Dennis -

    Yes, let me give this some thought. I think that is worth consideration as the finger lakes section on LOU has become increasingly popular over the years - far beyond anything I imagined. I wouldn't make Pro-member-only but I think that making it at least a site member is a reasonable request like we do for the main Lake O fishing reports section.

    Thanks again -


    Couldn't agree more Chad ... Keep up the great work.. This is a great site and you do an amazing job !!

    Thanks again


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  4. Great job Mike n Brent and all the guys in small boats that braved the weather and waves! We ran the whole day without a fish finder put 18 Lakers in the boat, released a bunch, but couldn't get the silver bite, hard to run shallow without the sounder,:lol:

    Cayuga next!!

    Sent from my C771 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

    I'd say you did extremely well John for having no depth or sonar... We have an elite 5 and elite 7 both are great units.. Have any problems let me know I can help you get it dialed in.


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  5. Launched bright and early fishing the FLTA EVENT out of the South Shore Marina and ran north before setting up in 80 fow.. We ran cores coppers rigs dipsies and riggers.. The bite was steady picking away at many Lakers on the Iron Duke A10 Shine Fly, UV Extravaganza Fly and Aqua UV Fly at 40 and 80 depth in 100 fow on dipsys and riggers.. We had some good lakers so decided to switch our program up and go in a bit shallower and look for an off fish and we soon had a good rip on a 200 Copper pulling a FLT Spoon but this was a way off fish for us nice 6lb walleye lol... We tried hard working the shallow program for quite a bit but not much going so moved back out deep an ended up adding a small brown to the box.. We headed in not really knowing what to expect due to weather conditions getting worse all morning but got to the scales and there where some great boxes and some beautiful bows,browns and lakers brought in but we were able to pull off the win by the skin of our teeth edging out Brent by 2 ounces.. It was definitely a close one but overall a great day on the water and a absolute amazing lake to fish definitely one of my favorites.. Can't say enough about my crew working thier butts off all day to clean weeds and stay on top of fish and there is no give up on this team and that means a lot to me.. Great job to all that fished and see you in a couple weeks over on Cayuga



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  6. Definitely a massive mistakes posting this I new some would disagree didn't think I would get jumped by some and no I'm not talking about the Seneca crew I like helping people on here to IV pm guys that are from out town coming up here with there family and put the on fish many times and a lot of post over the few years I sure some agree with me but don't dear say any thing and I don't blame them lol thanks for the input.offer still there if you need are facilities for the FLTA and it's only 5 miles away from deans haha

    Appreciate that very much .. Thank you


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  7. Thanks to this post that 40 boats you saw last weekend is now 80 this weekend.. This is exactly what you didn't want.. You yourself blew up the spot or the area for that matter.. You have no one to thank but yourself... I've definitely laid back on posts for this very reason but I still enjoy reading everybody's posts and helping anyone out I can get on fish.. This site was designed to help everyone out especially posting your success story's .. The lakes go in Cycles as I've have seen and experienced since I began fishing these Lakes when I was 5.. Seneca Lake still is a good fisherie and is far from being over so the focus will turn to other lakes until someone else posts a few good reports from elsewhere then a lot will go try thier luck there... I'm not bashing you but this is a prime example of think before you speak or write in this matter...


    Sent from my SM-N910V using Lake Ontario United mobile app

  8. Hopefully someone catches the Derby winner on this fly!!!! Would be the perfect way to honor such a great guy!!


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    Thank you Hal. I would also like to thank Nick for saying the kind words about Ben and Mike from Iron Duke flies. He put Ben's Memorial flies together on very short notice. I hope that people will use this fly and report back with any success. We decided to name the fly "BFF Fly" which of course was unveiled at big fish Friday. It was Mike who thought that this could also stand for Ben fishing forever. Ben loved to help others and the message on the back of the fly package is simple but important. The future of our outdoor sports depends on getting more people involved. It was great to see some young people at the weigh-in. Ben named our boat "Quality Time" because time spent on the boat was quality time. It might seem strange for some people that we embraced even slow fishing days because this was time that we could catch up on what was going on in each others lives. Help pass on Ben's legacy and help others share the outdoors.

    Wes thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to do this in Ben's name.. It means a lot to me and my company. The following paragraph is what I wrote this morning on Iron Duke Trolling Flies Facebook page.. And to me the BFF stands for Ben Fishing Forever so everytime we are out we can run the fly and know that we have a little piece of Ben with us all... Thanks Again


    On this memorial day we would like to thank all our men and woman in the armed forces who have and still are working to protect us 24 hours a day 365 days a year... This weekend is always a tough one for me because we have the biggest Tournament on the Finger Lakes this weekend also because there are some really good fishermen we have lost over the years too and we remember them as well.. This year Wes Foley got in contact with us and wanted to do something special for His son Ben we lost in 2014.. Ben Foley was a great guy who I did have the opportunity to fish with once for 8 hours and I can tell you first hand in that 8 hours he showed me not that he was just great fisherman but a great hearted person as well .. Below is what Ben's father wrote up about us after he received the flies and the cermony.. Iron Duke Flies will now carry this Fly in Stock for anyone to purchase for now and ever so we can carry on Ben's legacy with us while we are out doing what he and we loved to do.. Ben's father told me Ben use to say to him it's not about the fishing it's about the "Quality Time" spent on the water with the ones you love..The Quality Time Fly will be added to the website this week for anyone interested in getting them. .

    Sent from my SM-N910V using Lake Ontario United mobile app


  9. If it went to Cayuga I wouldn't fish it.

    Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

    Why ?? Can't you find a big enough floating ramp to jump over the hill ?? Lmao.. I agree it's a tradition thing and should definitely stay on Seneca. . Seneca Lake is a bit different than most of the finger lakes sometime she struggles giving up her bounties and can be a whole different animal when weather and waves come in to play.

    It started here and should stay here..As Donald Trump would say " We Are Gonna Make The National Lake Trout Derby Great Again" lol



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