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Everything posted by Luke510

  1. PS II, Family just stayed at the Wildwood KOA, just north of Medina/Middleport. Has cabins, pool, big fishing pond, little store, etc. My kids are 10 & 13, had a great time. Not far from the lake. Sounds just like what you're looking for. . http://koa.com/campgrounds/medina/
  2. Nice fishin today WWIV! I still got the bobble head and wobble legs.
  3. Crank it up WWIV. Nice to know your letting a few go free for me. See you this weekend.
  4. Hey Folks, The VBC Sportsman are hosting their 19th annual Sportsman banquet on Tuesday, Feb 21st at 6:00 pm. A $10 donation at the door will get you dinner and a 1 hr presentation by Deer & Deer Hunter editor Charlie Alshiemer, as well as raffles and prizes. Doors open at 6. Dinner is at 7. Charlie lectures from 8-9. We will also have local fishing charter captains, hunting outfitters, archery shops, and other assorted vendors there to check out. It's a great time for everyone. Attendance is limited to the first 350 and we're halfway there with pre-registration. You can go to http://www.discovervictory.com to pre-register. Please pass the word. Victory Baptist Church is just off Rte 390 at the E. Henrietta Road exit, just south of Rochester.
  5. Thanks for coming out Tim. You guys are first class and welcome anytime. VBC Sportsmen
  6. VBC Sportsmen want to thank everyone that participated in the derby this morning. What a beautiful day to be on the ice. Who said there ain't any fish in the pond! Flags were flying! See you again next year!
  7. PLEASE NOTE THIS CORRECTION - The date is Jan 21st, not 19th. This coming Saturday!!! FK, Pre-registration was available online at www.discovervictory.com but by the time you read this it will be all printed out and closed up. We'll get you through registration and out on the pond quick enough. Fish eligible for prizes have to be weighed in by 12 noon. The VBC Sportsmen will be available right on the ice to weigh and measure fish (to encourage catch and release). Look for the guys in the orange vests. If you want to be eligible for prizes and raffles we need you in the lodge shortly after 12. See you there.
  8. We have ice!!! 4+ inches on 100 Acre Pond, Mendon Pond! The VBC Sportsmen are hosting their 3rd Annual ice fishing derby this weekend, Saturday, January 19th on 100 Acre Pond in Mendon Ponds Park. Registration is at Hopkins Point Lodge starting at 7:00 am (the Park officially opens at 7:00 am so sleep in). Fishermen are allowed on the ice to set up but fishing is discouraged until 8:00 am. Last weigh-in is at 12:00 pm. Weighers will be on the ice to weigh and measure fish so CATCH AND RELEASE IS ENCOURAGED!!! The pond is a great fishing resource so lets keep it that way! BRING YOUR OWN BAIT Prizes will be awarded for adult/child largest and smallest northern pike and panfish along with raffles. A suggested donation of $10 per adult and $5 per child (<12 yrs old) is appreciated to cover costs of the Lodge and prizes. This is a great opportunity to grab the kids and spend some time on the ice. The Lodge is available for warming up. Coffee and hot chocolate is available.
  9. Thanks Mortigan. The course is in great shape and we're having our best year yet. Hope to see you on the range. Greg
  10. The Victory Archery Club will be hosting a 2-Person Scramble 3D Shoot on Saturday, October 1st. Registration will begin at 8:00 am with competition beginning at 9:00 am sharp. Competition will follow Club rules similar to a golf scramble. Per person cost is $10 and will be collected at registration. Registered shooters will be provided with lunch and are eligible for prizes and raffles. Prizes will be dependent on participation. An optional '30-yd Hot Shot' competition will also be available for those interested and a traditional shooting demonstration will be presented during lunch. Participation with this event will be limited to 50 teams. Shooters can pre-register at http://www.discovervictory.com. The Victory Archery Club has an established course with a practice range, several ground shots (15 yd-50 yds) and 4 tower stands with multiple levels. We have over 30 shots available. The Club is easily accessible from Interstate 390. Questions can be emailed to [email protected]. Click on image to view flyer
  11. Mike and Brian, Nice trip. Glad you got to reel a couple in Mike. Most of the time your spendin time findin em for someone else, not catchin em. Mark those spots!
  12. I shoot there a couple of times a week myself. Best kept archery secret in Rochester. Can't beat it. Tons of shots, nice targets, and no crowds = no brainer. All the donations ($5) go back into the course and targets. There is a playground right next to it so I drop the kids off and shoot for an hour. Anyone else been out there beside WWIV and Mortigan?
  13. MIke, Nice day. Glad to see your stretching your legs to find em. Wish I could have been there. G
  14. Rick, Great fish. Glad to see it was worth the trip out this way. Greg from Victory
  15. WWIV, Thanks for the ride.
  16. Rick, Have a great day. The Sportsmen @ Victory
  17. WW, do you think sharp hooks will help? Going out with my buddy Johnson this weekend, I'll talk to him about that.
  18. Gotta respect ya for not lettin the weather keep you off the water. The last guy I fished with only had one board. The boat kept going in circles. We caught one fish and I'm not sure how we even managed that one. Be patient, weather is gonna break.
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