mr580 Thanks for the good info. Although i love LO fishing, browns, targeting steelies, and salmon, not real fan of salmon for table fare, except maybe the silvers. Think I'm gonna have to make a trip or two to Erie this year. Are the perch available all season or is there a certain time for the hot bite like now that fisherman become tight lipped?
When you encounter Kings and breaking leaders can you eliminate the floro leaders altogether and go right to main line with snap swivel or will that reduce your catching? Or step up the floro to 20 lb Thanks for any help
Don't know much about Walleye fishing on Great Lakes, but question for you LO fisherman that travel to Ohio to fish walleyes. Have fished NY LO 30+ years and never thought much about it. If NY & Pa were open for eyes where would you be fishing now and why. Can't believe fishing could be that better in any one area. My guess a lot of interest is for table fair and sport. En-lighten me or point me in the right direction . Thanks for any info willing to share. Checked Erie United but sorry no comparison to LO
I've had both types also. UnLoading with a roller is easier but going solo makes where you almost can't drive it on because with no one to attach the cable it might roll back in water, depends on steepness of ramp. In that case solo would have to line it on with bow rope and maybe have to get in water. I've already climbed out the hatch and climbed onto trailer when I was by myself with my bunk trailer. Maintenance is more of an issue, replaced rotten bunks and carpeting along with metal plates they attached to. How about what is best for boat in underneath support On an older boat 1990 Thompson does the support matter with supporting the stringers etc better
I was always a roller trailer guy until an experience at the boat launch at Olcott one spring. Launching a 210 Thompson with a roller trailer we found ourselves in a three ring circus. What happened upon trying to launch was backing down over water as one usually does. Upon loosening the winch cable/rope the boat wanted to roll but the emergency chain was still on so first had to remove that. Had to winch the boat up somewhat to relieve pressure but to relieve enough pressure had to pull boat up ramp somewhat to do that. There was a person on the trailer at the winch with a separate rope to the boat eye. Once pressure was relieved next was to release the main cable/line to boat. But as soon as that was removed the boat took off and could not control the decent with the attached rope to boat. I saw what was happening as the driver and tried to quickly back the boat down the ramp. It splashed into the water. Only problem upon take out discovered part of the skeg broke off the IO. I guess in hindsight the boat had to be backed further down the ramp over water but the problem with that one would have needed waders as the water was too deep to stand on the trailer at the winch. Been hesitant to like roller trailers since. Think the problem only occurs with steep boat ramps. I have a 210 Thompson also with a bunk trailer I like because when launching it stays put until over water. Floats off easily and drives on easily without worrying rolling off trailer when pulling out of water. Anyone else have a tree stooges experience?
Think he has mentioned in the past he runs # 2 Chinook divers, he'll correct me if I'm wrong. Lure Jenson also makes min divers that would work for spring brows
Anchor Inn and Resort has everything but food, gas, dockage ,fish cleaning, close to water, not cheap but good, 315- 947- 5331, All their accommodations have kitchens if you want to cook, everything but food but that is not far away. Sodus Bay has what you want right on main road also, bait shop with apartment above. Don't have contact info thou
That's probably true considering they're not far apart. where do you stay reasonably priced.? If you are ok with trailer like accommodations North of the Ridge is the place, If there are other options out of Sandy or Bald Eagle would like to know ? Thanks