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May 18, 2011
Last visited
11 hours ago
Everything posted by Reel Chaos
If he wants just rods what’s price on just reels?
Fish Hawk is in the mail and the boat is stored inside my buddies barn!!! Can’t wait!!!
I have 2 older cannon Mag5HS riggers, does anyone know what the Max weight is that they can handle?
Anyone stay in Niagara tonight after expo? Where is everyone out drinking?
Ahh makes sense as bait, thought maybe I was missing out on some sort of delicacy and didn’t know it
What does one do with all the crows? I have only ever shot one when I was a kid?
I will be at the Niagara expo Saturday will take 2 rods/reels. If you will sell just reels would rather go that route
Would you be willing to sell just 2? Or just the reels?
I used to do a lot of hard water fishing down in the Binghamton area growing up, I moved to Rochester (Greece) 7 years ago and have yet to do any hard water fishing. Just wondering where there is good fishing as I would love to get back into it. Or even better find a few fellow fisherman in the area to go with.
Glad he walked by you and didn’t have to continue to struggle def right thing to do. Plus now it won’t be wasted if other hunter gave up the search
Would this deer have happened to be shot in Windsor near CR weeks elementary
This year was my first year on my own boat and I purchased a 07 2052WA. It has the 4.3 FI and for me it’s perfect!! Gas is very reasonable also. Caught a lot of fish for my rookie year on her!!
New in box, never used brand new $55 will sell for $40 Rochester area pickup.
Sportsman 350watt electric grinder
Older 32lb thrust clamp on trolling motor
Minn Kota
agjustable shaft with tilt 5 speed forward and reverse. Works great
$50 No shipping Rochester area pick up
Yea I wouldn’t have been mad had I not tried waving him off before it even happened. Then on top of that he was the only boat anywhere near me
Well that’s why I was angry as I said above there was PLENTY of room for him not to do it
Well that’s why I was angry as I said above there was PLENTY of room for him not to do it
Earl you were with me lol
There was plenty of space he could have easily avoided it
Was out fishing in front of Fair Haven Saturday morning. Had planner boards out and had a fish on a dipsy. A small boat decides to tuck in behind me as I fight fish sitting just of planner board following along. Then as soon as I net fish he turns and cuts straight behind me grabbing my line out on the planner board with I assume his down riggers. This even after I had been yelling and trying to wave him off as we fought the fish. I ended up having to pull all my rods and chase the guy around to save my stuff.