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Reel Chaos

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Everything posted by Reel Chaos

  1. Looking for one if wanting to part ways I can pick up Williamson to oak orchard
  2. Same catching a lot of 17-19# range
  3. It’s alpha 1 gen 2 I/O
  4. Yes it was in forward to remove
  5. I was in forward and while in forward it turns a little in counter clockwise but then stops. Going to take it back off Wednesday and try realigning
  6. Changed my impeller and put drive back on and now I notice a clicking sound when hand spin prop if in forward gear, nothing in neutral and louder click sound in reverse any ideas?
  7. I have a mercruiser alpha 1 gen 2 and went to west marine and the impeller kit they gave me the gaskets didn’t line up correctly took it back and the guy working had the response of was well it’s close. Can someone point me in the right direction
  8. I have 2 okuma classic pro mooching rods believe 10’ or 10’6”
  9. Looking for any info on best place Rochester to oak orchard for boat oil change, impeller change, etc type stuff
  10. TTT
  11. Selling these spoons make a reasonable offer buyer pays shipping
  12. She is the one who bought them for me last April
  13. She had no problem lifting them out of the water all summer!! Has me thinking it was intentional to get out of it this season!!
  14. Wife decided to pickup basement and dropped my otter boat and cracked it pretty good!! Anything I can use to fix crack and strengthen it to continue use?
  15. Both deer with rage, both photos show entry holes. Photo without me was a 7yard shot other photo was 50 yard shot
  16. I am looking forward to it and I already read all your reports!
  17. Sweet!! Will def be in touch.
  18. The owner dredges it regularly and I only have a 21’ boat so rough days are out and if not workable will go to another marina if need be
  19. Yup so the owner that ended tent sites resold this year to the corporation. I’ve got many largemouth, pike, and walleye in blind sodus before the high waters washed it out. Still good bass and pike, just no luck on walleye since
  20. Company called osprey I believe but another company calle advance outdoor solutions is managing it
  21. Green Harbor
  22. Is your coworker in shady shores or fair point?
  23. I’ve been in Fair Haven my whole life at Shady Shores Campground started going with my grandparents and it’s where I learned to fish. As I got older I got my own camp. This year the owner sold the campground to a corporation and they doubled the cost and basically gave a months notice to decide. They also changed rules and such. So I took that as a sign to move on and found a new campground near the oak.
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