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Posts posted by adam2000

  1. Or.......you could ignore all that and fish the fish you see on your graph. We are fishing for fish instead of temp....right? The fish don't care about temp NEAR as much as the anglers do.

    [ Post made via BlackBerry ] BlackBerry.png

    I like this guys thinking. Lol. Still good for your down speed though

    [ Post made via Android ] Android.png

  2. I run a big snap swivel off my main line and attach the snap swivel from the spin doctor to it. (2 big snap swivels)

    You got to get some big duo snaps to attach to the bottom swivel on the doctor.

    I know.

    For what they cost they should come with them.

    They don't.

    I also been running some snaps that come with a cork screw. Can't remember who makes them but they been working out good on the bottom of the spin doctors.

    Pretty sure if you go to the Spin Doctor website they have them.


    Dreamweaver makes them. They aren't cheap 2 bucks a piece

    [ Post made via Android ] Android.png

  3. just installed one of these , used it thursday on cross lake worked fine. took it to fairhaven today and it doesnt read anything after 81 ft, just blank screen. then it started doing it everywhere at 60 , 50,. i woould bring it up a few ft and it would work. drop it back down and blank , does anyone know whats causing this? it is mounted on the oppostie console as all my eletronics only thing on that side of the boat is a rigger and fm cd player which i never turn on. the power wire is ran to the same fuse box as all my other stuff though then the power goes to the back of the boat to another fuse box that has my riggers on it. this is my first temp down speed device so i really dont know much about them. also the ground wire on the probe is that supposed to go on the rigger cable ? no instructions on what to do with it so i let it just hang. is that right?

  4. Fishing Report

    Your Name / Boat Name:





    Time on Water:


    Wind Speed/Direction:


    Surface Temp:


    LAT/LONG (GPS Cords):




    Total Hits:

    Total Boated:

    Species Breakdown:

    Hot Lure:

    Trolling Speed:

    Down Speed:

    Boat Depth:

    Lure Depth:




    No reports today huh? Heard it was slow. Heat wave coming in

    [ Post made via Android ] Android.png

  5. I have a c map chip in my standard horizon 150. Do they only take cmap chips? Can I get a navionics cmap chip? The one I have doesn't show much detailing

    [ Post made via Android ] Android.png

  6. I have a perko dual battery switch on my boat. I wanna hook up 2 mag 10's and a intellitroll. Should I hook them up to battery 1(starter battery) or battery 2(deep cell) or should I wire them to the switch its self. Im really green when it comes to wiring in a boat

    [ Post made via Android ] Android.png

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