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Posts posted by adam2000

  1. Sounds like maybe you sent them out too fast and the treble hooked the leader. I don't see why it would be all twisted up if it was just a break off. Any break off that broke above the single hook I've ever had left me with nothing but a piece of flouro. If you tie your own how far between the 2 hooks are you making them

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  2. 20# flea flicker and have never twisted up in 3 years. 30# ff sucks.

    I haven't ran 30lb fleaflicker just 20 and I love it. It does hold some memory. But any mono over 17 lb will anyway

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  3. For flies greencrinkle, hammer, tg, proam glow ,uv 109. For echips white glow, and mtn dew/ glow. Spinny in gator, and white green dot. Those will get you started catching fish

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    Sweet pea, Glow Hammer & Little Boy Blue in the low light are winners to!!


    I have 100's of flies. But hammers (aka glow, live, shred) pro am glo and tg.always take fish. Attractors in White double crush glow and straight chrome are proven producers. He isn't trying to be fat nancys tackle shop just wants to catch some fish.

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  4. Sharks. Order off their website and they aren't that much

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    not much?

    at least double the price of other types

    Wrong I paid less for my sharks then my torpedos. And they should ne double the price cause there 4a times better. Atleast 10 ft less blowback with 12 lb sharks over 15 lb torpedos. Not to mention the amount of fish they bring into your spread. I've seen fish streak 48 ft up. I painted one with glow paint then did the top of it with that chart safety paint. You can't say this is better then that if you've never fished with them. You can also turn much tighter without crabbing.

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  5. Run um !! Don t worry about. just pull them every 40 min or so. If thats all you got to use , don t let it stop you from going out.

    More like every 4 minutes. Braid isn't cheap. But after you end up having to cut it off , buy wire instead

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  6. Not trying to be rude, but there has been like 15 threads all asking about the same question. Use the search function. Tons of info on this site. Ray and band must keep copying and pasting their replies. Lol. Everyone on here is great and willing g to help but this is like the 5th dipsy thread in 3 days

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