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Posts posted by adam2000

  1. I would start my spread where the temp drops to 42 degrees and then set riggers from there down. You can also figure your diver rods go down approximately 30 feet for every 100 feet back. That should help you bracket that temp break.

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    Good luck finding 42 in aug. Last yr we had temps in mid 50's down 120over 400 fow. Fish the marks

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  2. Sylvan. Just look for birds and smallies are under the bait the birds are diving for. Did it for a few mins the other night coming in from walleyes. I hate bass fishing but it was dun for about 10 mins. As far as Mexico no idea I've picked up a few smallies this yr trolling browns in 10-15the fow

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  3. .223 is designed to kill. round breaks up creating multiple woind channels. so a non lethal shot can be lethal. you breath heavy with taliban shooting rpgs at you.

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    Sorry but military application calls for a wound as better than a kill.....kill= one man out of the fight....wound= at the least three out of the fight. Real life isn't a video game.

    since I logged 3 deployments with the 173rd airborne I must of been wrong shooting to kill. I don't play video games. I was too busy dodging 107's and pkm's. But thanks for the tip.

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  4. Rules, NO ice in the cooler at weigh in and 19 inchs on the fish. Brought up a cooler full of ice and a 18 inch fish. So Jons the A hole because he DQed the guy. I talked with Jon last night and he is really thinking about not doing it again. Damn shame, BW

    every tourney has a no ice rule at weigh in. Its pretty simple

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  5. Never use echips on flies. Never had to. But I've been told that later in the season when the kings are deep like late july, that they do take more fish over rattles. But if I have a echip on the paddle what's the difference right

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