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Posts posted by adam2000

  1. Here is a site that explains everything about the Garelick.


    If you mean the bar that goes on the front from engine to engine,it works fine as long as you have both engines on the transom. It is quite simple and it is cheap.But if you have the kicker hanging from a bracket, you cannot use the stearns bar,instead, you must have an EZ Steer setup.

    Well I guess ill send stearns bar back. Makes sense probably should of waited for a answer but im getting excited. Thanks

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  2. Im sure you could but let's say you have a 3 oz bottom bouncer with a ff in tow. How much line needs to be let out for it to be at 67 ft down? Do you know? Cause I sure don't. Riggers you will know where your at exactly. Wire divers you can pretty much know where you are give or take 5-7ft. Copper and leadcore you will know give or take 10-12ft. Now I fish the east end so the guys from the west might have even tried bottom bouncers out at the bar. But mid july last yr most fish were 70-160hiring down over anywhere from 90 to 500ft. Knowing what depth your fishing at all times is key.

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  3. Those have a boom cap of 8 or 10 lbs I believe. Iewouldn't run 12 lb balls on them. The unitrolls are what you want. Im telling you this honestly you do not need riggers to catch fish. Wire divers out produced my Riggers probably 10 to one last yr. The only reason I even run Riggers is cause of the probe and another line in the water that really doesn't get in the way

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  4. Ok. I thinking of getting the garelick 4stroke bracket. Holds plenty of weight. Im worried about shaft lengths. This bracket has alot of adjustment just don't want to have to remount it when I buy one with a longer shaft

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