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Everything posted by adam2000

  1. Save your money and get unitrolls at a min. You need at least 12lb weights for deep kings. I would get 2 wire diver setups before id drop money on riggers. Wire divers take the most kings everytime out for me. Take a charter to make sure its what you really want to do. [ Post made via Android ]
  2. My buddy is gonna let me use his kicker its a 2 stroke. My question is if I buy a garelick bracket made for a 4stroke will it work? I plan on buying a 4 stroke kicker sometime just not right now. But putting my buddys on my boat will help speed the process up with the gas ill save. [ Post made via Android ]
  3. There are rules out there? Wow can someone tell about 75% of the guys on the east end this. I try to follow the laws of the water out there but if Noone else does it kinda defeats the purpose. Basically it comes down to this I think everyone should have too but it wont change a thing in late aug on the east end. Retard fest [ Post made via Android ]
  4. If your going to be fishing kings solo and you don't want to buy Riggers. Get 2 wire diver setups and a 300 copper setup. You can always add snap weights or dive bombs to the copper. As far as spring browns don't over think it. Use bright colors and naturals and let the fish tell you what they want. Starting point speed for me is 2.2 for spring browns. I have best luck with smithwicks and thin fins for stickbaits. Sutton 22 with my special tape is my best spoon for spring browns. Im no expert but I do better than most at the dock. My best advice is if trolling the big o is new to you make sure you'll like it before you spend alot of cash. Screw ups out there usually cost at least 15 bucks. But I had one last yr that cost atleast a 100 bucks. [ Post made via Android ]
  5. Can't beat a everstart marine from walmart for the money. We gone through every kind and only other battery I would buy is a optima [ Post made via Android ]
  6. Well most spring brown fishing is in 20fow or less, so your divers will be hitting bottom . Stick with boards and shallow riggers [ Post made via Android ]
  7. Also you want your release above the probe. I run my cable through a blacks release and I put a yellow offshore release on the cable to hold the blacks in place. [ Post made via Android ]
  8. Blacks or chamberlain. Scottys for down and outs [ Post made via Android ]
  9. My boat is for Ontario. I didn't hear very good things about it. If your primary fishing is on oneida you'll be fine with the stock skimmer. [ Post made via Android ]
  10. The hds is always upgradeable. I don't think the bird is unless u get a 900 series. But both are great units. I had tour same question about 7 months ago. I was scared about lowerance customer service. But I went with the hds gen 2 . I am using it with a airman p66 ducer [ Post made via Android ]
  11. i use mag 10 stx's. i dont have 20 lbs weights. just didnt want to throw a 15 shark on a boom with only a 15 lb cap. my new ones have 20. i like a buffer
  12. i pmed you , guys from another site are trying to put together a fund raiser
  13. Im in. Just need the dates [ Post made via Android ]
  14. Im in for a 100 on jerrys boat. Who's with me? [ Post made via Android ]
  15. B young look at the atommik triple crown series. Its a great series of events. Cheap entry fee decent cash and usually some good sponsor prizes. 10000 dollars worth no but it really was a great series. [ Post made via Android ]
  16. Not sure what your asking . Im not a charter but would like to help. [ Post made via Android ]
  17. Cool. I was thinking that it should. Let's hope so. What about the boom capacity of the unitrolls hp. I know my stx's are 20 lbs but something tells me the mag 10a only had a 15 lb cap [ Post made via Android ]
  18. Anyone know? [ Post made via Android ]
  19. I have a 16 lb brown on the wall and a 19 lb steelie. For a king it would have to be around 37-40 lbs and caught in the lake not lined.coho over 18 lbs in the lake , in the river depends on color and HIS kype. I im not a fan of greasers( lake trout) so id probably never get one mounted unless in was a real beast. Walleye over 12lbs would go on the wall [ Post made via Android ]
  20. I currently have 2 mag 10 stx's. I adding another rigger a unitroll hp with a 3 ft boom. Can I change out the 3boat ft boom from the older unitroll hp to the mag 10 and put the extendable boom on the unitroll? Or will I have to buy a new boom for the unitroll hp? [ Post made via Android ]
  21. I like the flouroclear from pline for browns. Its priced right and you can put as long a leader you want and not break the bank. [ Post made via Android ]
  22. Noone has grabbed this yet? Come on perfect trailer boat for oneida and ontario [ Post made via Android ]
  23. The whole bottom of the harbor is covered with them. I mean every inch. Seen it with a camera. Why do u want to catch them? Bait? [ Post made via Android ]
  24. Go to franks great outdoors. Berts rachets for 59 a piece. If you go with titeloks you'll end up upgrading to Berts or traxstech sooner or later [ Post made via Android ]
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