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Everything posted by BAZOOKAJOE

  1. Flea flicker was not working either
  2. Check out a Lowe before you buy a Tracker
  3. Cut up a pool noodle into sections. Wrap around and put in a tackle box. I just wrap the fly around the flasher and put back into flasher file box.
  4. Michigan stinger echip flasher: pig pen pig pen 2
  5. I had a great morning. 120-240 down 40-60. Long leads off the riggers and dipseys. All spoon bite.
  6. I use the smaller Scotty’s for lead cores.
  7. No. I use these attached to releases with big planer boards that have a mast system. Just spool on 5 colors to your backing and terminate with a 20 ft floro leader. Let all the colors into the water plus another 50 ft of backing line. These work great early season when you are fishing shallower water. Say 20 ft down over 40 fow. I’ll mostly use copper from now till Labor Day. If there is an upwelling and the fish are closer to the surface I’ll try a short core.
  8. I used to launch in sodus...now I drive a few extra miles and pay the $10 to Hughes Marina. Much easier and more comfortable place.
  9. Dang...heck of a job! Congrats!!
  10. I do just a wrap of electrical tape
  11. Any light to medium weight rod will work. I use my ugly stick light action 8 ft 3 inch downrigger rods and they work well. It’s all personal preference. I have 2 of the Okuma LC/Copper rods too and they are too heavy for my taste.
  12. If nobody responds. Spool the first one on backwards. First the Wire and then backer. Re-set your counter when you start the backer so you know how much. Then wind it onto the other reel.
  13. Gold can be very productive on a sunny day.
  14. I recently changed the planer board line from the stock Big Jon to 200 lbs braid (generic power pro off eBay). Definitely some improvement in how the releases slide. Still had to coax a few but much better.
  15. The best solution is to buy a bunch of clipper releases and sleeve them and add a nut/bolt to add weight. You need a heavier release. These work best if you use the same backing or line on all your rods as you have to adjust the release for the diameter of the line. I have the same issue as you using the scottys with the shower curtain ring. I let a rod out on one side then do one on the other and do turns. They will move out a few feet at a time with the slack. I also pull a few feet of planer line in and then let it snap back out (by hand). It's a PIA. Ultimately replacing your tow lines with power pro and using the clippers is the best way to go. I only do a handful of trips for browns. And might run one copper off each side the rest of the year. So I haven't upgraded my tow line or releases. But have been on boats that did and it's night/day difference.
  16. Sweet ride!! Wish I had the coin!!
  17. A Trojan is the most stable boat you can fish off.
  18. Closet clean out Cannon front mount dual rod-holder. Like new. Used twice. $40 http://www.cabelas.com/product/Cannon-Dual-Rod-Holders/699949.uts?productVariantId=1184269&WT.tsrc=PPC&WT.mc_id=GoogleProductAds&WT.z_mc_id1=00679000&rid=20&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8o2f-oPS1QIVBDJpCh1AWwlSEAQYASABEgIrJ_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds Add $8 for shipping. PayPal. Text me 315-246-7609
  19. I used tite/loks for 5 years. I did have to replace the said washers once. They work fine. Mine took many hard hits on wire dipsey rods. I now have cannons. And you are better off just putting tracks on the boat.
  20. Heard the Fish USA rod is a nice one!
  21. Davenports bait and tackle in North Rose still has quite a few original NK's in stock. If anybody is looking. They had some on copper blanks. Was just there yesterday.
  22. Leader length depends on your trolling speed. An 18 is going to run better at a slower speed than a 24. I tend to troll about 2.5-2.8 sog. And most of my rigs are tied with a flasher length about 22-25. This week I was running them 15 ft behind the ball.
  23. It's not pine sol...its listerine. Put it in a spray bottle diluted a little. Works for about 10 minutes. The bugg spray works for a little while and then I keep getting bit. Thermacell works if it's not windy and covers any area not susceptible to ventilation. Thick socks and long pants are the only thing that works imo. I try to mop up any blood and guts asap. I think the smell draws them in. And I'll put a few pumps from the listerine mixture down.
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