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Everything posted by BAZOOKAJOE

  1. I do leader down when pulling sticks in the early spring. But last year I was out of floro so I bought a spool of 12 lbs viscous fluorocarbon line and didn't notice any difference in amount of fish caught. I usually tie new leaders on before every trip.
  2. I ran floro leaders on my down rigger rods for several years. Then last spring I had back-to-back Kings break my buddy off with 15 lbs leader. I decided to just run straight 20 lbs big game right to the spoon. The water we were fishing was pretty dirty. Fish kept hitting and we didn't lose anymore. Then we caught Browns a few weeks later in clear water (on a sunny day) without leaders. All was done in the upper 20 ft of the water column. I'm not such a believer anymore. I will say the floro is more abrasion resistant. But I think a heavy duty mono ties knots easier and has better knot strength. And you eliminate extra knots that could fail and be your potential weak spots.
  3. Buy some bay rat's!!
  4. You can put 600 feet of 32 lbs copper on a Daiwa seagate 60 with 150 yds of 40 lbs power pro. That's about the longest "fun" copper you can fish. Those Solterra's are like farm equipment. Slow, heavy and not fun at all to reel in, You'll be drawing straws on who takes the next fish off that rod.
  5. Get big boards and run one per side. That 300 will work down the shoot in the spring or early summer. But you will have a better chance of tangling it up down the shoot! This comes from my own personal experiences.
  6. If your boat is a deep V like that Starcraft you'll be fine all year.
  7. Buy another reel and make a 10 color and a 5 color. No cheap short-cuts in this sport.
  8. Spring shore fishing is no sweat. When the fish move offshore...that's when you need some bigger kahonee's!!
  9. I run 20 main and leader down to 12 or 15 floro.
  10. Find what works and duplicate it. Losing 50 ft is nothing. I ran my wire rods the last 2 years with probably 700-800 ft of wire. The problem is when both your rods have big differences in the amount of line on the reel. Then they are going to read differently and will be hard to duplicate.
  11. Better to have both. I'm sure a lot depends on water clarity, sun and the size of forage. I did better last year on smaller sticks.
  12. The floating rattling rogue with 2 or 3 hooks are great! My best last year was a black/gold rapala. And a greasy chic wing spoon.
  13. If your only fishing till mid May I would buy mainly spoons. Maybe a few paddles/flies.
  14. Your boat is just fine if you pick your days. I've been fishing out of a 17 ft Lowe for 5 years. Caught a lot of fish out of it! You won't be comfortable in waves over 2 ft imo. But those rough days aren't real comfy in a big boat either. I'd suggest investing in a track system. Start out with just a few rod holders and flat line some stick baits for Browns. Then add a couple down riggers and run those plus 2 wire dipseys when the fish get deeper. Then when you get comfortable add a planer board mast and some junk lines. Make sure you have a good ff with gps.
  15. Black NK-28 with green glow tape and a white cup. FLT reverse SSW with a uv cup. FLT SSW. Stingray UV pickle seed. Stingray UV black magic. Mag Gold NK NBK.
  16. Heard you need a 4 blade Mercury stainless prop for that boat and motor
  17. 10-14 lbs mono is too light in my opinion. I would go 20 lbs big game as a minimum. You want the smaller size dipsey divers or (preferably) slide divers for the shoreline. You can catch fish in the spring on them too. I would use 40 lbs power pro for your slide divers with 30 ft of 25 lbs fluorocarbon as a leader.
  18. Small slide divers. Or buy a spool of 27 lbs lead core line and spool up a couple rods with 2 and 3 colors. Use ample backing (700 ft min). I would go with 40 lbs power pro or just 25 lbs big game mono.
  19. I fished solo yesterday from Hughes to the trailer park. On the water at 11 am-4:30. Ran 20-40 fow. Had a good rip on a bloody nose j-plug and he broke me off. Took a hit and run on a 3 color with greasy chix wing. Water was ice cold from 43-48 on the surface.
  20. Sodus is dead. Go to Port Ontario!
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