I did that at the end of last summer. Landed both. Then went out the following night and had a triple. Went 2-3. Broke a rod and mangled up a 500 copper. But it sure was exciting!!
Are you running the red chips with no stickers? I have a stock one with the chrome waffle on one side and glow on the other. It's been a dead horse every time I run it.
Keep a mental note of the bend in your dipsey rods, how much hum from your rigger cables, angle of cable, the flow of bubbles from your dr cables. I always pay attention to all of this. When you get bit duplicate where you were.
I left about 10 and fished till 5:30. Ended up with 2 steelhead and a laker. Covered 115-280. Had one king bite in 120 on a uv spoon off the 600 copper. It ripped out of the release and was gone 2 seconds after I got tight to him.
If you like a limber rod with some bend try the ugly stik big water trolling rod 9 ft BWD1101. It has big guides. I have these and the Okuma GLT lead core/copper rods in 8' 6". The Okuma's are way more stiff. I prefer the ugly stik.
The 50 lbs swivel is fine. But I would only go through once. They are probably better to use from the copper to the leader. I've had the knot on the leader side fail on the 150 lbs swivels. I've been using the Mustad diamond eyes: (88lbs)
They won't be in the channel or the bay the first week in September. Point her north out of the chute. Set gear in 85. And slide out from there. Last year I doubled and tripled on majors (solo) out in 150-400. This was on 9/2 and 9/3. I believe the fish were deep (90-115 down).
I have hand crank riggers and I would say it depends on your boom diameter. A slim profile 15 lbs weight like a shark or torpedo should be fine. The uni-trolls are rated for up to 20 lbs weights. I'm still using troutmans 13 lbs ers. But considering the 15 or 17 lbs sharks.