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Everything posted by BAZOOKAJOE

  1. Ugly stik 10' dipsey rod with a 30 series Daiwa Saltist
  2. I have a 17.5 ft aluminum and find it works just fine on calm days. But it gets cramped inside (even with only 2 people) if you bring a lot of rods/reels/tackle along. I wish i had a 19+ for the extra room and the extra depth of the sides.
  3. Fair Haven
  4. Personally, i wouldn't go with Penn reels for wire.
  5. Sounds like a PIA to me: http://www.bloodruntackle.com/60lbcopper/
  6. That's a good idea...but i wonder if your wire line gets kinked from the front release being pulled off. i can't imagine it probably trips real great if you have to pull it in to change presentations.
  7. You definetly need the double keel for copper. Any type of planer reels will work. You have to stop or slow the boat way down to pull them in.
  8. Gotcha! If i ran slide divers i was planning on running a 40 ft mono leader off the wire. So, i would be winding the mono through the twilli. Not sure how i feel about that. :/
  9. Have you had any issues with damaged mono from running through the twilli tip?
  10. Thanks for posting the image!
  11. I've never owned/used them. But i would say yes. They just add extra weight. And you can still spin the dial left or right.
  12. I'd say the biggest problem with running a really long leader off a dipsey is deploying (esp a meat rig). It's almost a 2 person job.
  13. I can't picture this. Can you elaborate?
  14. I've thought about trying the slide divers. I couldn't find anything on their website about a mag. Then i thought you could use the regular size and add one of those diver diggers that Capt John King sells. They are a 10 oz lead plate you add to a dipsey or slide diver for added depth. One thing that worries me is reeling mono through a twilli tip. I remember hearing somebody mentioning they experienced some break-offs from this. Sharp edges or something inside the twilli? http://www.michiganangler.com/2013_New_Tackle.htm
  15. Spin doctors with flies or stingray sized spoons.
  16. I'm not crazy about the way the rod holders lock down with a threaded bolt that pushes against the tube.
  17. Do they make a slide diver that goes as deep as a mag Walker deeper diver?
  18. They're usually spent by the time you get them to the net. I handlined a 32 lbs King last year. He was about belly-up. Seems like the bigger fish die faster from stress. I had a couple smaller fish that were trickier.
  19. I have (3) Off Shore side planer boards. A starboard and port and (i think) starboard. And a Off Shore mini planer (reversible). These were used once or twice. Essentailly brand new. I bought some otter boards shortly after and never used them again. Make me an offer!
  20. http://dreamscometruecharters.com/
  21. Flasher fly or meat. Longest lead you can handle between dipsey and flasher.
  22. Great story!! We were in a 31 ft boat and threw the towel in after a few hours both days.
  23. I bet 12 lbs sharks would be a better alternative. Their slim design seems to come up easier (at least when i ran them on my manual cannon's).
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