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Everything posted by BAZOOKAJOE

  1. If it was me...i'd buy two of the new high-speed Daiwa Seagate reels ($150), spool up 45 lbs blood run copper with 50 lbs power pro backer. Buy a cheap Berkely linecounter before you spool it up. And run them on the Okuma copper/leadcore rods. If you are going to run it down the shoot...why not just do one 600 and mark the copper every 100 feet? Then i would go for a Okuma Solterra. The Seagate will fit a 500 max.
  2. I'm fishing a 17 foot Lowe and know how it feels...it def gets cramped! I (like you) sometimes wish for a bigger boat with more room, a hardtop and more sea-worthiness. Some day!!
  3. Of all the rod's i've touched (priced under $100) i like the 10 ft Ugly Stik dipsey rod the best! They're $60. Don't forget to buy a twilli tip. If you haven't bought the reels yet...i'd go with a 30 size Okuma Convector or a Daiwa Sealine 47Lc or a 30 Saltist. A 45 is too big for 1,000 feet of wire and your linecounter won't be accurate (unless you put a bunch of backing on to fill the reel). The Cabelas depthmaster 9 ft dipsey rod isn't too bad for $35. And the Eagle Claw Starfire 10 ft rod dipsey rod (aka banana pole) is decent too for $30.
  4. You must have been pretty cramped running 4 electric riggers on that Tracker!
  5. I've never had any luck getting the BD combo to fire. I've never ran it as a go-to...just when things were slow and experimenting. Matter-of-fact i've never got a fish on anything purple.
  6. Wow!! I'd say that deal was worth the drive!! Congrats!! A sweet ride!!
  7. If you start pulling lines and don't have (for example: a tripped dipsey) all the way in when a fish gets close. That's when you're in trouble!! I leave them in and play the fish down the chute. If i was running a chute copper...that would have a pike bobber attached and be let way back to make room.
  8. Okuma Avenger is decent for a cheaper price. But i love my Shimano Stradic!
  9. Fast action right there!!
  10. Call 315-587-4773 and talk to Bill or Joanne. They have 3 nice houses they rent (weekly) on Sodus Bay. They are all located right up the street from Davenports bait shop. That's the south side of the bay. 10 minute car ride to the point.
  11. Visit a fish cleaning station. Be nice and prepared to tip.
  12. With any brand wire: every couple trips or so cut your swivel off and pull off 5 feet/cut and re-terminate.
  13. Hands down ---> Hammertime spinny with a hammer fly
  14. Yup, i bought one there. Cheapest price i could find!
  15. Try some of the Big Weenie paired sets they offer.
  16. I hear ya brotha! But it works for me. It's def wise to change that piece of mono every so often. Last trip of this year i inspected the knots on the mono and they were getting weak. I re-do it after deployment. Wrap the copper around a cleat...re-tie and let back out.
  17. I got a lot of false releases (especially when it was rough). I use the big scottys. They work sweet with the mono!
  18. Bob Fuller just came out with his own version: blows this one away!! Check out Finger Lakes Tackle on facebook.
  19. If you decide to run boards...tie in a 8 ft piece of 40-50 lbs big game (between copper and backing) to attach the release to.
  20. I use a spro swivel on all connections. Not sure why you want (2) 500 coppers. Especially if you're gonna run them down the chute. I'd buy a set of Otter boards and a mast. Spool up a 350 and a 450. Or 300 and 500. Chute copper ina small boat is a disaster waiting to happen. Been there...done that!
  21. If your talking about salmon...i'd recommend filling them with 20 lbs flea flicker or Blood Run see flee mono.
  22. If you run a single treble you might want to add a piece of rubber tubing between the hook and the bait head to keep it straight. You'll miss less strikes from the hook swinging around.
  23. Peg-it's work fantastic (vs toothpicks) for holding your bait head in place. They won't crack the holes in the heads or fall out. They also work better than crimps for holding your teasers in place (and won't damage the line). Just peg a bead where you want your teaser to lie. http://www.topbrasstackle.com/products/peg-its/
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