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Everything posted by BAZOOKAJOE

  1. Pbj, pretzels, chips, trail mix, granola bars, water, ice tea and beer.
  2. Mongolian beef was good for me last yr!
  3. I bought one of those Berkeley line winders. They work well. But when I spool wire I also put a slit in a tennis ball and use that to put extra pressure.
  4. You could spool up 20 lbs flea flicker.
  5. I'd do 85-125 ft behind planers. 60 behind riggers 1.5-2.5 ft down.
  6. It's about as complex!
  7. I use the ugly stik 8'3" for BT and salmon.
  8. Lol...good one!!
  9. I have a 5 and wish it was bigger!
  10. They're pretty speed tolerant!
  11. Theirs def some huge boulders heading west from port bay. Especially near chimney bluffs.
  12. I'll take one for $50!
  13. Looks good...nice work!!
  14. You got it right! Just slide the lines down by letting line out. I been using the mini Scotty releases. But I just bought some clippers to try. The look like they slide better and are much cheaper. Sometimes the shower curtain ring on the Scotty's get tangled up and won't move all the way down to the otter boat after a release. So I occasionally have to pull the otter boat in to untangle.
  15. I got a silver Sheffield I will let go for $100+ shipping or pick up in syracuse area.
  16. You can buy a Lowe for less than a tracker. Usually used ones are plentiful.
  17. Nice one skipper!! I could picture it!!
  18. Dsi is a different frequency and different ducer than the non. It starts to stop marking at about 310ish. I can adjust to show the 0-300 ft but won't know the depth I'm in.
  19. Send buckboardjr a message. He's got a gl special that he already put a new floor in.
  20. I have the elite 5 dsi gold model which maxs out with depth about 300 ft or so. I didn't realize that when I bought it. Other than that it's a great unit. GPS is good on it too. I did have it marking my dr balls, but I must've adjusted something too much. Will try tipping the ducer back some. If I could do it over again I would've gotten the HDS 5 or 7.
  21. I do about a 6 ft lead with 30 lbs big game
  22. Get a big Jon mast! . but they do get ya a little for the seat mount.
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