I don't have any plans to stay there. But I only live 35 mins from there. Let's hook up and do some fishing! Im going up to saranac lake day before labor day. But can fish the 26th or the 30th.
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Nice job! Get rr done before fair haven! Only a few weeks away!! Give me a holler when your coming up. I got some more stories for ya.
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Try running a leader off the ff with a swivel. I run the 30 and just uni-to-uni knot a 10 ft leader. But I don't run dodgers or spinnys off those rods...just spoons. I did have the same problem reeling in a mupp rig with two spoons that twisted around each other. I run the dodgers or spinnys on different rods with 30 lbs big game.
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Check your leader for nicks. The only time I lost a set-up was when i had a nicked leader. I had a feeling we had dragged bottom at one point that day. An hour later hooked a fish and it broke my buddy off and took the new green dot spinny and Ron's morning wood fly.
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You don't want to run a dipsey on copper line. The weight of copper alone takes your lure down based on how much you have spooled up. Are you referring to stainless wire line? That's what you run dipseys on.
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Use mono instead of floro. It has better knot strength. Make sure the knot is tied correctly and you wet it before pulling it tight. I use 30 lbs big game and the trilene knot.
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The gander on rt 81 north of syracuse has very very limited selection of trolling stuff. I wouldnt even waste my time stopping there. Go right to lil jons, all seasons or fat nancies.
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Don't you use 30 or 40 between dipsey and flasher? I have no problems with the 30 lbs ff. I use uni to uni knots. It's almost impossible to tie a knot onto a small spro swivel. I do what Tim does with a 200 ft section of the ff tied onto 20 lbs big game then a leader.
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As far as how to catch you have a lot of reading to do on this forum. Hard to say in one post. Read the reports section and you will see most people report speed, depth, lures, etc.
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Yes....but pick your days wisely. That boat is kind of a shallow v. You should be ok on days that are 1 ft or less with little wind. Chop doesn't really effect the bite if you can keep a steady speed. When you use a downrigger you use a line release that holds the line to your weight. Fish hits and releases the line. You see the rod tip pop-up and grab the rod and reel it in. You leave the weight where you set it in the water. Then reel it in after landing the fish. Reset it and fish for another. Best time is usually early morning. But some days it doesn't matter. Your motor is fine for trolling. I use a 90 hp mercury 2-stroke. Good luck!
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If i was in your shoes I would buy a white with green dots spin dr and a chrome pattern echip board. Flies: hammer, pro am glow, mirage. A hand full of mag spoons. And launch at Mexico and head for the nuke plant. Run it all off the riggers. Fish the marks.
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Don't waste your money. Way better spoon company's out there. Ones that actually deliver goods in a timely matter. I placed an order with them 3 months ago and after 2 months got my money back, only by filing a claim through PayPal. Give Bfuller a shot! He's got some posts on here with pics of some of his killer patterns. Also: dreamweaver, yeck and moonshine have some great patterns and hold up well.
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