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Everything posted by BAZOOKAJOE

  1. 1,000 ft with no backing. Put a small piece of duck or electrical tape over the knot so it doesn't spin. [ Post made via iPhone ]
  2. You will have about 10 lbs of fleas on the line in about 30 minutes. Then you will spend the next hour reeling in/scraping them off. [ Post made via iPhone ]
  3. I had a wave push me sideways to fast during a turn and my dipsey went right across the back and tangled everything...... this was with brand new wire on.. I was so pissed $50 down the drain but i saved it Lol...damn waves! I've mangled a wire reel, 500 copper and a 300 so far. I did save remaining 200 of the 500. Gonna hopefully splice em with a spro. [ Post made via iPhone ]
  4. Congrats! Nice steelie!! [ Post made via iPhone ]
  5. Same troubles this morning. Very rough 1-2 footers with nasty currents. Unstable speed. Riggers kept popping. Had my planer mast ripped out of the seat post mount. Luckily windshield was open and my buddy caught it before it knocked me overboard. Mangled up a 300 copper too. Shoulda stayed home. [ Post made via iPhone ]
  6. I thought the same as you this morning. Those currents were nuts! [ Post made via iPhone ]
  7. Form a loop...spin 5 times and hook into release. [ Post made via iPhone ]
  8. LOVE it! Well worth the money, I wish I had gotten the larger version though. It's amazing the difference it makes when fighting a fish on wire or copper where it's a long battle. Theresa doesnt have a black and blue spot on her hip on Mondays any longer! [ Post made via Android ] What is that thing called again? [ Post made via iPhone ]
  9. How did you guys make out with that rod butt cushion? [ Post made via iPhone ]
  10. Nice king!! Congrats to you and your dad!! [ Post made via iPhone ]
  11. If you paid through PayPal you can submit a claim for a refund. Or get your credit card company to reverse the charge. It's too bad...all you want is your lures in a timely manner. You would think they would say I'm backed up and give you an option of a promise date or a refund. [ Post made via iPhone ]
  12. That's a pretty good day since the lake just flipped. I went today and caught some cohos and steel. All on spoons. Not a touch on the dipseys. Man, the fleas are BAD!! [ Post made via iPhone ]
  13. You will like it....they have a nice action! [ Post made via iPhone ]
  14. You can get the same rod elsewhere. Fish usa, cabelas, bass pro, gander. I use the ugly stik 8'3" rigger rod...same action just 9 inches shorter. [ Post made via iPhone ]
  15. Nice work!! [ Post made via iPhone ]
  16. I re-tie the wire because the last 1-2 ft gets all squiggly. Reduced the likelihood of a kink and I like fresh knots. [ Post made via iPhone ]
  17. Some nice fish there! [ Post made via iPhone ]
  18. I do the same...but leave mine set-up in the corner of the garage. I pull off the last foot of wire and re-tie the wire knots every 3 outings. Check the leader (for knicks) from dipsey to swivel before every outing. Usually change that every other outing. [ Post made via iPhone ]
  19. I run one of each and let the fish tell me what they want. There's a lot of opinions of too much glow in low light...too much flash on a sunny day. Idk-i've done well with lots of flash on sunny days and lots of glow in lowlight. [ Post made via iPhone ]
  20. You can order them online @ fish307 or franks great outdoors. 307 is out of the mag ratchet jaws. But franks has them in stock. [ Post made via iPhone ]
  21. Sounds like a great morning! [ Post made via iPhone ]
  22. Deploy it very slow by loosening your drag with clicker on. Just enough so it creaks out. Don't use the free spool release or you will end up with a twisted up mess and a spool of kinked wire that will have to be replaced. You might get bit while it deploys! And to keep track of which side: the lead part of the dipsey sinker goes down. [ Post made via iPhone ]
  23. That's a SLOB!! [ Post made via iPhone ]
  24. Very nice steelie!! [ Post made via iPhone ]
  25. I've had good luck this time of year with 220 in 220. Glad you had a great day!! [ Post made via iPhone ]
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