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Everything posted by BAZOOKAJOE

  1. KISS...Keep it simple stupid!
  2. Great story! And pretty cool how the water in the lake moves around.
  3. The cannon terminators are a pia...but I got mine set up 5 years ago and never had a problem. But I took my time one night in the garage and made sure I did it right.
  4. 20-30 ft is good for lead. I like to run about a 8-10 ft leader after the dipsey to my flasher or spoon.
  5. Sounds like it was really tough fishing g at the pro-am. The 2 weeks before it was gang busters
  6. Make sure they are tight out of the box! I bought 4 a month ago and one was sloppy loose where the base meets the swivel part. Exchanged it against the eBay merchants request that I warranty it through cannon.
  7. Lots of reports on Facebook with pics of some nice fish!! Last 2 weeks have been pretty good.
  8. Nice haul...especially for being solo!! I'm guessing a lot of fire drills.
  9. They are catching just about everything out of both ports. Big Browns and some nice kings. Get out and find them.
  10. When I repair copper from a break I just use another spro swivel.
  11. Tank of a steelhead!!
  12. We were out there in the afternoon. Riggers at 75 and 90. Mag dipseys way out (230 and 355) with meat and a 600 copper. Took a 20 lbs laker, 2 small steelies and a 10 lbs King. Worked 150-290. Temp was deep. All hits were on spoons. And one steelie on a flasher fly that was stacked under a spoon. Fleas were really bad!
  13. http://www.theriverguide.com
  14. They'll take big spoons too. My hot spoon last summer was a mag chicken wing.
  15. A buddy of mine says he learned a trick down in Florida. Soak any fish in almond milk over night and it takes the gaminess out. I will stick to perch and panfish myself.
  16. I don't run a ton of backing so I tend to tight down on hot fish after a few hundred feet get taken out. I have popped a few off on 20 in the late summer on long coppers. Early season I run 15 or 20 on the shorter coppers and cores.
  17. Warrens hook line and sinker in Sodus Point still has a bunch of NK spoons for sale. I picked through them awhile back and I believe they may have the one you described.
  18. Try between 20-40 fow off of a shoreline point.
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