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Everything posted by BAZOOKAJOE

  1. Hog browns! [ Post made via iPhone ]
  2. Huh...I was stuck at work all day thinking you guys that were able to get out would be putting on clinics. Bet it was still nice to get out! [ Post made via iPhone ]
  3. I know bass pro had the old style hds on sale CHEAP.
  4. I figure it's better than nothing. It's the floating type, so i figure it would be good to have in-case i end up swimming for shore. I never really played with it too much. Seems like the reception wasn't very good. I thought i'd be able to listen to reports as i fished. But i usually fish an area where the boat traffic is pretty minimal.
  5. Put a screwdriver in a bench vise so the point is up...put the spool of wire on the screwdriver...cut a slit in the tennis ball and use that to protect your hand while holding tension on the wire (like you would using your fingers to spool mono) as you reel it on your reel.
  6. I bought a really nice handheld last summer...and it's seems to be useless when you are a few miles out. With the exception of the weather reports.
  7. I think a lot of people will disagree with that theory!
  8. Beautiful boat!! Nice report!! Are those mooching reels or centerpins on the riggers?
  9. They all work! I was using tite-loks last summer and had my drags cinched down pretty tight. Had one screamer hit and my buddy couldn't get the rod out of the holder. I'm switching to Berts just because they ratchet and you can move them around on the track system. Or take them off easily.
  10. I believe you need the white Cannon downriggers with metal spools to run braid for dr line.
  11. I caught quite a few browns last year flatling spinning rods spooled with 12 lbs pline floroclear. The floroclear is a really small diameter. Their 12 is close to a 10 in other brands. Careful spooling it...it can get twisty!
  12. Congrats fishbandit!! Thanks ITO...you kept the game interesting!!
  13. Sexy!!
  14. Nice ride...i'd run that all year!!
  15. Lowe is a good value. I have a 17 ft. You can find newer used ones reasonably priced in the mid teens. http://utica.craigslist.org/boa/2809829542.html
  16. Thanks for all the ideas!
  17. I just bought a big jon mast and otter boats. So i would run copper off those. I guess my question is more about running the two dipseys on each side. Would it help if i ran a mag dipsey on a 3 setting and a 01 on a 2 setting on each side? What about different lenghts and actions on the dipsey rods? Right now i have (2) 10 ft eagle claws that are ML. If i ran the smaller dipseys on those...and did a 7 or 8 ft MH or H rod...would that help to keep them spread out and getting tangled?
  18. I'm fishing for kings out of a 17 ft aluminum, with 2 people. Last year i was running 2 riggers and 2 dipseys. Now since i can run 3 lines per person...trying to decide if i should add 2 coppers run off otter boats or 2 extra dipseys. I like the dipseys and feel they are the hottest set-up. More fun to fight fish on, easier to deploy and more effective than copper. But wondering if i run 4, am i asking for a lot of headache with tangled lines?
  19. http://www.anglingoutpost.com/northern- ... ddler-ssw/
  20. Pick up some wire dipsey set-ups and some spin dr.s with matching flies.
  21. Check Syracuse craigslist...i saw an ad for a guy in auburn
  22. Better off getting it pre-spooled. Or you can spool it yourself with a bench vise, big screwdriver and a split tennis ball..but heard it's a pia. I think black or clear are the way to go with dipseys.
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