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Everything posted by BAZOOKAJOE

  1. Tomorrow should be interesting: Waves 5 to 8 feet building to 9 to 12 feet!!
  2. You should be good! I troll a 2-stroke 90 hp Mercury (non-optimax) with a troll-a-matic plate. Trolls like a champ!! Gets a little fumey going with the wind...but you just stand up for a breath of fresh air.
  3. That was what took the 27lber last night, but with an orange squid on top of the fly. [ Post made via Android ]
  4. Nick try a carmel dolphin spinnie/flie. That's been my hot color out there in the sun.
  5. I don't have a probe yet or any experience/knowledge about them. One question: can u run a lure off the same rigger the probe is on?
  6. Adam, i started off running my riggers at 90/110 and the dipseys out 300 and 350. Was thinking the fish would be deeper. Then after 3 hours of nothing...pulled my riggers up to 70/90 and let out the dipseys 225 and 250. Then got the two fish out in the military exercise area off Fair Haven. That Carmel Dolphin spinny/flie has been my good luck charm. Nothing wanted mtn dew, crazy biotch, H1 hammer, gator, nuke white, white/green dots or nbk.
  7. Try Port Bay state launch (between sodus bay and oswego). Nice, spacious, quiet, ample parking and free. Your on the lake in 5 minutes. I take my 17 footer out of there. You can hit 200 fow a couple miles out. Take Rt 104 to town of Wolcott. Turn at Mcdonalds (new hartford st...turns into west port bay rd) and go straight north about 8 miles. You shouldn't have any fuel shortage problems. My 90 hp 2-stroke Mercury only burn's a 1/4-1/2 a tank on a 5 hour trip (and i don't have a kicker).
  8. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name: ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s): Time on Water:8-2 Weather/Temp:70's periods of sun and clouds/fog Wind Speed/Direction: Waves: 1 Surface Temp: Location: LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: 2 Total Boated:2 Species Breakdown:Kings Hot Lure: carmel dolphin spinny/flie Trolling Speed: 2.5-3.0 Down Speed: ? Boat Depth: 150-350? Lure Depth: 70-120 ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS ==================== Just started fishing for Kings 2 1/2 weeks ago. Got about 5 trips under my belt. First couple trips got a couple skippers, lakers, browns and steelies. I haven't been putting up big numbers yet (no speed/temp probe). But it's been a blast on my little Lowe!! Today did a 12 lbs king in 175 01 wire dipsey out 225 on a 2 setting Then a 25 lbs in 325 same set-up out 250 No luck on spoons or spinnies off the riggers. First pic was today's 25. Other king was last week 22. Steelie was 12 lbs 2 weeks ago. Thanks guys for all the tips!!
  9. Carmel dolphin has been good to me too!
  10. Thanks man, that's what i was thinking but thought i'd get another opinion.
  11. Supposed to be ok with rain in the am, then t-storms later.
  12. How should i run my off-shore releases with my new torpedo weights? Clip them to the top eye on the weight or onto the rigger cable?
  13. Rick's look really nice.
  14. THANKS DUDE!! Super fast shipping...and a quality product.
  15. What's the name of the purple spoon on the top row with white ladder-back?
  16. Those do look sweet! How much?
  17. Do you flat-line them in the harbor mouths when they are staging?
  18. Where did you buy the rapala rods?
  19. Just mailed you a check for 2!
  20. Stingray NBK on one rigger with Mag NBK fixed cheater up 10 feet (or 42nd), white with green dots spinnie/green crinkle fly (use a hammer fly in the early am) on other DR, carmel dolphin spinnie/fly on one dipsey, nuclear white/fly on other! Alternate a Mtn dew spinnie/sweet pea fly into the mix.
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