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Louis Bouchard

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  1. Is the boat still available? Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  2. Dan I am having a hard time using this discussion forum. Would like to have a private conversation Please email me at Bouchardlouis@videotron.ca Or call 1-866-757-1010 till free at work Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  3. Hi dan, i really am the market with for this kind of boat. do you have a rescent Survey? you can email to bouchardlouis@videotron.ca
  4. That confirms what I tought! I guess you would install the auto pilot on the kicker
  5. I am looking to buy a 1999 Trophy 2352 HT Can I use main engine for trolling? 305 merc What are your toughts on this boat
  6. It is starting to get good. Envoyé de mon iPad à l'aide de Lake Ontario United
  7. Tyeetamer Good work on your ability to change your set up For those stupid bitting flies last summer somebody in my boat was using Hawaian tropic coconut taning lotion. Surprise the flies stopped bitting !!!
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