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Everything posted by camomanbg

  1. Just an FYI...the regs are online! In the amount of time it took you to open your iPhone, start the app, type that post and read the responses you could have had the answer by typing the question into Google.
  2. I know that, but that board the rod holders are on is held in place with carriage bolts in the oar locks and when there is pressure on the rods it tips back. I didn't have the time to remedy that before I got out there. I tested that board out last summer a couple times with just the two Scotty rodholders and realized it tipped but I was running slide divers and I was alone which made it just about impossible to reel anything in so I gave up on the idea. I just decided to live with it for this trip. My original plan was this! I was going to use the two cheap eagle claw rod holders ($4) clamped on the gunwales for the board rods (which would have had the rods positioned straight up and down) and then use the two Scotty's for my "rigger rods". I was going to hang a small ball (6-8#) on 4-5' of planer board line tied to the handles on the back of the boat with a release on the back of them. I was going to run my spoons off of those and put the rods in the Scotty's. The problem was the cheap rod holders wouldn't clamp on the sides of the boat (too thin) so I had to back up and punt. Those cheap holders would barely clamp onto the 2x4 board! I cranked them down with pliers until the backplate was dug into the board a 1/2" and they still moved as soon as we put rods in them. I decided to just flat line the spoons with weight to avoid the rod holders not being sufficient to hold the rods under pressure and I didn't feel like making the run to get the balls out of a friends boat and I wasn't going to spend $40/ea on the balls they had at F&S or Gander.
  3. Heard it was going to be warm on Saturday while at work on Friday so I decided I was going to try and get out and fish for browns. I left work, picked up my 14' aluminum from where it was being stored, drove home and changed clothes, drove to my dad's to get the motor, drove to my storage unit to get my gear, went to F&S and Gander to get a net, inline planers (stupidly bought two left side church boards in the process), and a net. Spent until almost midnight trying to rig it up so I could run 4 lines. I stopped at Mitchell's and bought an interchangeable Off Shore Tackle inline board. We launched at about 7am, motor started after a couple pulls and ran perfectly! We headed east and setup at Shipbuilder's. We ran an inline planer off each side with a J-11 back 100' (firetiger and gold/black) and we ran two spoons flat out the back 45-60', with a michigan stinger goby and a FLT UV Green Alewife) with a 1oz weight about 5' in front of them. It didn't take long to hook the first one and it was what you hope for when out brown fishing after that. We ended up with a flurry and managed to catch a fish on every rod before getting that first one re-set. My friend Mark did all the reeling, I just drove the little tiller motor. We picked up 2 more before the park and then hit a lull in the action as we didn't get a bite from the park to just past Hedge's. We pulled the rods and ran back to the park and picked up two more before we got to shipbuilders. My friend who did all the reeling in had to be on land at 10:30 so we pulled them and headed in after ending on a fish. We went 8/8 in a little more than 3hrs. 7 Browns and 1 Laker, 1 nice brown and the rest were cookie cutters or close to that. All those above lures caught fish, but the firetiger J-11 was the most productive even after swapping out the gold/black for a firetiger solid stickbait. I only checked surface temp once and it was 37.5. We didn't have a depth finder so I just drove where I thought I should be and when the action slowed I zig-zagged. We caught most of our fish in what my navionics app and said was the 10-14' range doing 2.5-2.7 on the app, but we did find one in real tight where I was nervous about snagging bottom or hitting a rock. Wish I could have stayed out there all day, it was beautiful out. It was awesome to go out on a whim and make it happen with a less than ideal setup...but if you want to fish bad enough you do what you have to! I did notice immediately that the offshore tackle board performed much better than the church board that was the same size. I stopped back and bought another one so I could retire the church boards. I like the orange color and the pin in the back of the church boards better but they barely pulled away from the boat in comparison to the OST one. It's a great time to get new people out and on a bunch of fish...go take someone new out there and show them how fun it can be!
  4. My buddy is looking to sell a mercury pro kicker 9.9 longshaft that has been barely used. It might be 3-4 years old. Hasn't even been used the past two years and only minimally the years before that. I will get some pictures to send you. It is an electric start, 4 stroke, and mint condition.
  5. "Let's go fishing!" Good luck guys, had to beat you to the punch! Sent from my HTC6500LVW using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  6. Here is the information on submitting your input. Take advantage of this opportunity so you aren't one of the people on a web forum complaining that the agencies never do anything or try to work with the hunters! http://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/NYSDEC/bulletins/fa46f7
  7. Mine works great, I've only had it for 2yrs but it's been priceless on many occasions. If it died tomorrow I wouldn't be too mad, as long as I wasn't on the water trying to use it as my only source of down temp! I really like it because I can tell how far down I'm actually going with blow back and on my divers. Helps with making the correlation to what I'm seeing on the FF.
  8. Take a quick minute to watch this short video clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QduAWlzlG3c&feature=youtu.be If that hit home for you, then now is your chance to start making a difference! Come join the Crossroads Limbhangers Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation on Saturday March 28th at 5:00pm the Lima Country Club in Lima, NY. You don't even have to be a turkey hunter, the declining rate of hunters is much bigger than one group of hunters. We have guns of all types, art, furniture, jewelry, and tons of great hunting gear. It's a great event for all outdoors enthusiasts. BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY! This is our 5th Annual Hunting Heritage Banquet. All proceeds raised go directly to Save the Habitat, Save the Hunt. We will be hosting many events this year to promote the hunting heritage to not only children but adults and different groups of "non" hunters. The benefits far outweigh the costs for something like this. You can purchase your tickets online here: https://www.powderhook.com/cards/3557-nwtf-crossroads-limbhangers-ny-event-lima-new-york/join or contact me for more information Brian Gottfried 571-334-1496 camomanbg@gmail.com
  9. For anyone that keeps a log or might start on their own here are some great books for keeping records on the boat. I've been using these at work for years and they work great. Just use a pencil and you won't have to worry about being wet. http://www.riteintherain.com/inventory.asp?CatId={A4555CB9-79B6-4481-A752-F8139E35F2CE}
  10. I think that's a great idea. Even if they don't provide the little journals, why can't we just keep them ourselves and volunteer that information? I observed for a canadian captain in a pro-am that kept the most detailed journal I've ever seen (right down to actually putting serial numbers on each of his lures for recording purposes). I was impressed with that and it inspired me to want to keep a journal. I haven't been diligent about that at all due mainly to my sporadic trips on the lake. I don't own a boat so I'm at the mercy of a few friends and when they can/want to fish. In response to your response above....I wasn't implying there isn't money to improve the hatcheries. Actually, If you get the NY Outdoor News, there is a big article in the latest issue about a ton of money being funneled into the state hatcheries right now. I didn't have a chance to read through it yet but I think it actually pointed out where all the money was going. I was simply stating that they aren't going to put money into something that doesn't have a solid foundation (i.e., starting a salmon hatchery in less than ideal conditions). It's just a guess, but I would think that the Powder Mill hatchery is either lacking in capacity and/or sustained water quality to raise salmon.
  11. Here's the issue with the multiple hatchery concept....there aren't any really good locations for raising salmon around Lake O aside from the Salmon River. The main limiting factors are going to be water quality and water temps (determines the amount of dissolved oxygen). The salmon river is fed from the bottom of a deep reservoir, and the water quality works. It is a unique situation and obviously it's being capitalized on by having the hatchery there. Last year everyone kept bringing up the Caledonia hatchery as a historic place that raised salmon, and the DEC responded with very valid reasons for not using it now but people didn't want to listen to the reasoning. As you can see from their reports, raising fish is a very delicate process. None of the other areas are stable enough or meet the criteria needed to make it logical to direct the money and manpower towards opening a new facility. The DEC has the same goals as everyone else, to have an amazing fishery in Lake Ontario but they have to make their decisions based on science and logic, not opinion and emotion. If they could decrease the chance of loosing an entire year class to disease or disaster in one hatchery, they would do it. It only benefits them to do that, but they need real viable opportunity to do so. I agree the "all the eggs in one basket" situation is scary, but I think they are doing the best they can with what they have.
  12. I'd love to hear some reports on how the meeting went since I missed it this year.
  13. I have a good guy out of West Palm if you want to make a short trip. He's crushing big Mahi right now. The Gulf Stream is only about 3 miles offshore from West Palm. I just fished Wed out of Marathon and would also suggest that guy, he was awesome also. Look up Reel Intense Sportfishing with Cpt. Weston Russell out of West Palm and Angling Adventures with Rich Smith out of Marathon. They are the right guys, if you don't want to drive, they will have friends in your area to suggest. If you're here, I hope you brought a jacket. I camped last night and had to give up at 9pm because it was too cold and windy to stand outside and drink beer. Had I know I would have brought my ice fishing gear with me. Sent from my HTC6500LVW using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  14. 😊👠Sent from my HTC6500LVW using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  15. My dad actually sent his Primos blind back to primos after some "weather" destroyed a couple hubs and one of the poles. They fixed it up, cleaned it and sent it back! We were very pleased. It held up to that snow this fall too. Just had to pop the roof back up and it was good to go.
  16. Here's a good example of a real life situation. Even though the mountain lion isn't considered livestock, the attitude would be the same. I'd shot, a lion would be investigated to find out its origin but you won't get in trouble. I saw mention of them being on an endangered list but the Lions that one inhabited the NE are actually on the extinct list or there is strong evidence to put it on the list but as is common, there might be hesitation. http://www.oneidadispatch.com//general-news/20141124/pair-bag-buffalo-near-munnsville Sent from my HTC6500LVW using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  17. That would be cool! Tannero, if you want a ride I live in Lima also.
  18. Wildlife pathology with Ward Stone was one of my favorite classes in college!Sent from my QMV7B using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  19. Re-read my post folks! Dawsonscreek, in a couple weeks may be able to shed some new light on the info. If I really had to I could go to my storage unit and dig up my folders and actually cite all the peer review journals an scientific papers that I used in my research. To elaborate a little more on the home range of the mountain lion. The adirondack park itself is large enough to host a mountain lion or a couple but you need to look at the life history of these animals. They are solitary and elusive, and choose to live away from human activity. If you look at areas of the adirondack park that are contiguously "wilderness" (meaning no roads, houses, towns, etc) there are very few areas that are near the 350 sq. mi. that is the home range of a male lion. The females can live in about half that land but those areas don't usually overlap (except during breeding season), so you would need roughly 500 sq. mi. of wilderness area for a breeding pair. A male may tolerate some overlap of a females territory, maybe even multiple females. Nonetheless, they don't readily mix and live together. Yes, the possibility of one passing through is out there but unlikely. An animal traveling from North Dakota to the NE region is such a fluke its unlikely to happen again. As mentioned above, there will always be the animals bought on the black market and released when they get to be too much to deal with for the idiot that thought it would be cool to raise them. Most of those people get busted by the authorities before the animals have a chance to get out or be released. I saw above someone ask the question about how do we think coyotes got here.....is that a real question? Everyone that has this attitude that the NYSDEC is this big, secretive agency that does stuff behind the back of the general public are just ignorant or selfish. They think the NYSDEC is doing harm based on their own personal opinion and they are too naive to look at the big picture. The amount of red tape and bureaucracy that they have to go through to spend money or enact a project is staggering. If you think they can pull of something like stocking new animals without it getting out, you need to step back and take a look at the big picture while keeping reality in mind. They have enough trouble keeping the current programs running. For the record, I have seen a mountain lion..in Montana. It followed us down the mountain after we watched two giant bull elk posture and intimidate each other in a clear cut until got dark and never got a shot. Try walking backwards down a mountain in the dark for a mile and half! It never got more than a few hundred yards from us, it was just eyes sneaking along through the blowdowns watching us the entire way back to the truck. Most likely he was just protecting his hunting grounds from intruders.
  20. I researched this topic in pursuing my wildlife management degree and it was the topic of my final debate in an environmental politics class. Think about it this way, the home range of one, that's right ONE singular mountain lion is roughly the size of the entire Adirondack Park. Take away the infrastucture and development within the park and that area is even smaller. They are very elusive and timid animals by nature, so they wouldn't tolerate living in such a confined space where contact with humans would happen so frequently. Then you have the issue of there not being enough room for a breeding pair, and certainly not their offspring. You can also take in to consideration that mountain lions would greatly disrupt the natural checks and balances that our wildlife have now. NYSDEC barely has enough money to function at it's current capacity, so the likelihood of them secretly stocking or even perpetuating the idea of mountain lion's in NY is ZERO. Yes, that one that was killed in CT/NH/MA (wherever it was) did possibly slip through here and that's all that will ever happen in NY regarding mountain lions. There might be a few cases of a captive one getting out or being released by irresponsible people but they won't be wild. Just as the few wolves that have been shot in NY have been captive escapees or releases. I normally don't even entertain the topic enough to argue but it's monday and I'd rather be deer hunting so replying to this is better than doing work. The answer to your question on shooting one is YES, mountain lion's do not live in NY state so they are not covered under the game laws. So, go ahead and shoot it! When you do you will find that it was captive at some point or in a crazy second chance scenario it will have been a wandering young male from somewhere far, far away. I wouldn't put any money on you shooting a mountain lion though. A picture on a friends phone is just that, most likely a picture from another state if it is even a real picture.
  21. Egg/Insect eater, Cuckoo clocks are commonly made of wood from the black forest, Cuckoo is not a football team but they are fairly rare so you'd have to go long to find them. They usually have long tails too. Not sure about the shiner in the mud though....
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