Potential shooter I was taking abiut hard to believe there are some still out after seeing the crap I saw all over nys this weekend but they pay for their license to so I’m happy for them just Tag them and get the F Out lol
Action hasn’t stopped by me Monday planned to hunt till 1030 was in stand till 1215 passed 3 2.5 to 3.5 s and hand full of 1.5 s ended up bumping few to get out as they were moving non stop had to get out head ach was kickiNg I’m from no food drink I was deep in the hard woods went back out by 2 same thing bucks chasing doe ( 2.5 s ) last night 3:09 he was coming from the woods thru golden rod heading to corn feild This am passed this buck 50 yards w a doe because I saw that big 10 last night w baby coming this weekend was all about taking that decent 8 till saw the 10 told the wife I’m in it for the long haul now def still
moving good esp in the hardwoods another potential shooter showed up opening afternoon feel like things are only getting better by far best season have been managing this prop now for 2 seasons and seeing a lot of results a lot of acreage had to step away from other properties after opening weekend and getting all the info of the 2.5 s that were killed just can’t do it will finish this season off on this lease for sure if I hunt close to food def last hr go few hundred yards away from food good action from 2 pm on go any further in woods which I won’t action all day prob helps being close to the brockport collage but either way they have to be moving other properties I can usually go to a 100 lease I have near my place north Hampton park and same thing so can’t just be the one property had to be happening all over
Biggest problem im see is that one land owner with 20 acres will have a group of guys and take out 3 1.5 old bucks and a 2.5 opening am and then go on the rest of the season filling his families tags while 80 percent of us guys that hunt 100 acres and better in the block practice qdma Idk y but some guys have it in their mind that the deer (bucks) just replenish themselves year after year seems to be more enjoyable shooting everything they see walking then enjoying close encounters with nice young looking bucks to each their own like the guys say def a lot of doe sightings daily from stand so it’s not that they are just seeing the bucks and no doe I sometime wish I could be like them and just pile a bunch of bucks up N cut the rack off toss in garage without a quilty conscience but I don’t have it in me also know there will
never be a mature deer around sorry for my rant just the aftermath of opening weekend lol
Any of you guys ever try 10 - 2 or till dark if action is there I’m going to try for my first time today and tommor been saying n reading in magazine s forever and finally gonna try mainly because I have hunted From fri till mon night 550 am till 11 then back in stand by 2 till 530 on 4 diff properties and have seen endless chasing of 1.5 2.5 bucks mainly 1.5 last night snuck in Bergan 5 th property since Friday for first sit of year lil later 3pm and before could climb in stand same thing 2 1.5 running a 1.5 doe hard 45 min later they come crashing thru agine same 3 I knew then if a mature was around w all that commotion I would have seen him as they ran all around me best case senerio besides the matures must have been busy same thing happens sat afternoon 4 1.5 s chasing one hot doe just wondering if the mid day action for matures is really all what it’s printed out in magazines all the tv
OhhHhh how I love the end of Oct early Nov fav time of the year moved cams on scrapes last Sunday took the week off to prepare for the weeks ahead haven’t sat this prop till tonight rode wheeler in at 2 to see if the 5.5 yr old I was figuring it was making the Same scrape that he’s been for atleast the last 3 years same spot same time of year (few days earlier) and bam it’s him time to throw everything at him his bed where I found shed s about 200 yards to my west same way he walks by the cam now just need to work him in 2 hrs earlier tonight
young buck chasing A group of doe 10 min ago n 7 or so other doe moving thru earlier w a spike yesterday am 12 or more antler less not one buck night before 6 7 buck 2 shooters n only 2 doe these ams for mature buck hunting has been tuff passed a decent 3.5 or 4.5 8 Tuesday am possibly oct lull seeing lots of deer just not the mature bucks was seeing 2 weeks ago
2 first racks a button n passed a big 2.5 or decent 3.5 was tuff one to let walk but was committed n many bigger around perfect am expected wind to be higher by now lens is shattered took pic as was walking away Sent from my SM-G930V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
This was 850 am last Thursday 1st cold snap was on other side property called in a nice 2.5 8 pt around same time he was along this scrap had to make into black and white background color was to bright to see buck Sent from my SM-G930V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Things are heating up in last week cams w shooters on daytime/afternoon matures on scrapes as well as mature does Saw the biggest buck (drop tine) ive had on cam all summer on new to me 311 acres yesterday 750 am tearing up a tree 211 yards in crp feild light tickle on the antlers brought him 50 yards behind stand in thicket could nt move last night had 2 first racks a 2.5 n broken 3 year old pushing doe around im just as fired up as they are
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sure were moving yesterday am go figure only am i didnt go out as gusts were to high the 8 pt had two missed opportunity s on last wed am n thurs night now he's a mile deep in the woods thicket
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