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Everything posted by jperch

  1. I use Doug's Deer Processing on County Route 85, near the intersection with Ridge Road. It's maybe 10 minutes from Fair Haven, about the same from Oswego. He does a good job, everything is boneless and vacuum sealed. He will cut it the way you want it, I think I paid 70 or 75 this year. perch
  2. Congratulations Kevin, very nice. The "silent treatment" strikes again! jperch
  3. jperch

    Kring point

    Thanks mhtrapper, appreciate the information. jperch
  4. jperch

    Kring point

    Does anyone have any recent information on Kring Point? Is the launch still frozen? Has the perch bite started? Thanks for any help. jperch
  5. Does anyone know if the ice is out at Kring Point? Any reports or information would be appreciated, thanks. jperch
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