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Quiet Man

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About Quiet Man

  • Birthday 04/04/1970

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Cruising, Fishing
  • Home Port
    Fair Haven, NY
  • Boat Name
    Quiet Man

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  1. Interesting you say that Pappy. I tried to dig into it too, probably not as well as you have and was baffled that I could not find a "marine" solution that did not require a fixed/directional position. Just thought there had to be a cheaper cell signal solution to the more expensive XM satellite option, but like any item; put the word boat/marine in front of it and the price is 10X.
  2. A good point, I knew someone would mention that suggestion. I do have a VHF, it's just that the current radar and track on a cell phone screen is nice to have.
  3. I am looking for some type of cell signal amplifier to use on my boat. Other than communication, I use my cell for weather radar updates out on the Lake. Ideally I would be nice to have the Sirius/XM Weather receiver, but the receiver and new display I would need is expensive. Does anyone out there have a solution for boosting the signal received from land based cell towers that will improve my cell reception on the boat?
  4. Asking $275 for the two of them, or $140 for each set. 12" mounts, 1-3/4" diameter Located in Syracuse. In person only, too heavy to ship.
  5. The two electric downriggers and two gimbal mounts are still for sale - $400 for all of it
  6. Rod holders sold. The two electric downriggers and 2 gimbal mounts are still for sale.
  7. Hi Zack - Just the dual rod holder bases: Not sure - I'm looking at prices on line for reference. How does $140 for the pair sound?
  8. Shipping to Niles, MI from Syracuse, NY calculates out to about $140, plus what ever the boxes would cost.
  9. I'll weigh them and the accessories when I get home, measure the size box(s) needed and use the estimator tool on the UPS Store website and see what I get. I'll let you know what I come up with tonight or tomorrow at the latest.
  10. Just posted a pair or Big Jon's with gimbal mounts and rod holders - $500. If interested check out the post in this section - posted 10/22/20
  11. $500 - Located in Syracuse, NY. If interested please reply to topic or email at jflynn006@outlook.net
  12. Out with some good friends last week. A slow day, glad we could get one on board - 17 pounds, 34"
  13. Boat is no longer offered for sale as a Sale is currently pending.
  14. Here are some better pictures of the C-Dory.
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