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  1. Nhbait. Does the dct feature work well. Would be nice to leave the wheel and know that my boat is gonna stay in say 22 feet while i run rods
  2. I appreciate the info. I understand that i wont be in those conditions all the time. I just want it to stay on a decent heading so my boards dont get messed up. From what i a have it seems lile it should. I still may go with the ev100 cause i know it does its job well. But the lowrance has some features i really like
  3. I have a 2015 starcraft superfisherman 186 with f150 and 9.9 kicker. It catches wind but its not horrible. I just wanna be able to stay straight heading into a 20mph with 2 to 3 footer with big boards out going around 2mph. I troll for musky faster but want it for when i get a fish to slow down and dont have someone on the wheel at all times. I know the old raymarine s1000 had problems with holding. I know the ev100 is good but like some of he features on the lowrance unit.
  4. Is anyone running the lowrance outboard pilot for the autopilot on there boat. I have a few question regarding it? Mainly i would like to know if it holds straight at slower speeds lets say 1.5 to 2.0 mph with a decebt chop? Would like to know this from someone thats used it rather than lowrance telling me it should be ok. Should be ok is not the answer im looking for.
  5. My buddy has them and i will have 2 for next year. The passenger can spin that thing around. Slide the cooler in front. Lean it back and take a snooze. As you can tell ice done it a few times
  6. No problem. White spinny with crush glow and black dots with purple mirage fly on the 45 rigger(8 foot lead). Splatter back glow silver horde 25 foot lead on stacker at 20foot. Chrome spinny with green dots and pro am live fly trailer on 38 rigger with 7 foot lead. Green gator spoonon stacker at 28. 42 second flasher fly on 100 dipsey. 120 dipsey was a mix of green dolphin flasher and fly and nuclear green spoon.
  7. One is a wide version.
  8. http://veada.com/helm-seats/wide-hs1000w-reclining-captains-seat.html
  9. http://veada.com/helm-seats/reclining-hs1000-helm-seat-with-arms.html
  10. Thursday started slow. We went 3 hours of silence then its like a light switch turns on and they start firing. After many many years of trolling for muskies i learned that if you mark em. Dont leave them, stay on top of them and they will turn on. Most of the time its not your lures. Its just timing. Things couldhavechanged since then but i would be in 50fow if i went right now. Most fish were really dark. And acted weird when fighting. Wehad 4 or 5 fish as soon as the rigger popped they went under the boat and wrapped upon the cable. Got luckyand only lost 1 jplug for it happenning that much.
  11. Im not kidding. I know aloy of people wont believe it but i have pics of some of the fish. I only go up 2 to 3 times a year and this was by a long shot my best trip. Wednesday we got 24 and lost around 10 more. We never left that area all day. We were marking alot of fish. We would wait them out then all hell would break loose. Get 4 in 1 short pass turn around and get 2 more. Then it would die for an hour again. Then the same thing. If you mark em its only a matter of waiting them out in my opnion.
  12. Oak is about a half hour drive. I would go there for sure. Fished last tuesday night for 2 hours and all day wednesday and thursday. 36 kings hit the bag with biggest at 27 pounds. 50 to 53 foot of water. Half a mile and east and west of harbor. One rigger at 38 and other at 45. Spiinys anf flies on main rigger. Spoons and plugs on stacker. Dipseys at 100 and 120 on a 3. Flasher flies and spoons on dipseys.
  13. Fish wed thur at the oak. 36 kings in 2 days with a 27# being the biggest. 50fow. Riggers 45 with stacker at 20 and other at 38 with stacker at 28. Dipseys 100 and 120 on a 3. Spoon, FF, and jplugs all took fish
  14. But i will go home and check them again to make sure before i sell them. The tekoyas are great and bulletproof reels. They still dont have the power of my okumas.
  15. I have checked them on my tekotas. The first thing i usually do when i buy a reel is put new drags in them and check everything out before i even use them. And i put them back together as the schematics say. And i order my stuff from tunas. I love the catalinas so i will most likely get a bunch of them.
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