Sorry for the spelling errors
And I forgot does everyone know there is a tournament on keuka the 2nd-4th for a Keith cagle benefit trout and bass
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Yea that would be cool so I was out last Tuesday and we had a great day we landed 1 nice laker 3 landlocks and 1 nice rainbow but I lost one real nice landlocks at the boat and lost one about 50 feet behind I don't know what it was and the while I was getting ready to land the laker the top line on the rigger fired and before my partner could grab the pull a real nice fish broke water 15 feet behind the boat and we got to actually see it spit the hook at the same time but were not sure what the fish was the fish went from 60 ft down to easy 3 ft above water in matter of seconds .
All together my experience from moving from keuka to seneca was amazing seneca is a lot more fun to fish
Everything caught was on Michigan stinger spoons and baby brown trout rapalas on all tipsy back
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I just started fishing seneca lake moved over from keuka and now i want to catch some of these 10 pound plus fish and im wondering is someone can help me wiith some tips i launch out of watkins and normaly fish by the salt plant and peach orchard i had some nice fish one but none that hit the 10 pound mark i and just purchasing trolling flies and spin doctor alot of green and blue i use spoons and rapalas i also use dipsys and downriggers and fish in 100-60 fow im new at this whole trolling and im learning with help from this site and google articles so i dont know much i run 6 poles normally 1 downrigger at 100 on the bottom and the second line on the downrigger at 80 then the other rigger at 90 and the top line at 70 then i run my dipsys 225 foot back they are the 3.5in(not exact measurment) with rapalas i havent revieve my spin doctors and flies yet. i have a eagle cuda 350 s/map fish finder with gps speed and i try to troll around 2.5mph
am i doing anything wrong or do i just need more time one the water before the big one hits
My goal is to eventually be good enough to enter some tournaments with a little help
Also its been rainning here and i havent had any good fishing in between storms is this normal?? if so how do you cath fish in this weather or is it like impossible? or should it have no effect
Thank you for all the help and support
Fellow fisher/friend
thanks all for the info i went to seneca and hooked up with 5 LL and 1 rainbow 1 laker and mayny many hook ups so i i guess i can finally say im coffident with my setups i just need to figure out why im losing them off the hook now
Ok, so im not gonna say im any pro fisherman but i can say i am able to get a few hook ups on lakers. Sounds ok but here is my problem all im catching is lakers and i knows that there are other fish in the lake. SO i guess what im tring to figure out is what im doing wrong i would love to start getting into some rainbows and alantics and possibly browns. so the setup i been running is two downriggers i been running about 100-130 feet with about 20-30 feet spoon behind the ball in 100-150 feet of water then im running 4 dipsy settings=1.5 right, 3 right, 1.5 left, 3 left. i been running about 100-250 feet of line out(20lb mono) and the dipsy has about a 8 foot 8lb mono leader so i guess is what im saying is i dont completly know what im doing i have a eagle 350 s/map fishfinder with gps speed i been running about 1.7-1.8 mph and catching alot of lakers it seems it if i go any faster or any slower i catch nothing. i also have been using spoons and rapalas
so one tip i can say from what i know is that im using a purple-silver-pink spoon and a orange-yellow spoon i have most luck with this and i use alot of jointed shad rap rapala and jointed J-9 to j-11 rapalas and color doesnt seeem to matter they are hitting them all but i think the brown trout color works a little better
so please any help any suggestions i would appreciate much i just am fishing for fun im a die hard outdoors man
I fish keuka lake alot and so far this year i was using 4 dipsys and 2 downriggers and i caught only 2 lakers on dipsy and close to 100 on downrigger until this morning i caught more on dipsy than down rigger