A friend and I went to Ohio this year as well. It was an all DIY public land hunt in early November. He was able to shoot a great buck while I filmed. We don't have an official score yet but it should go about 165-170". We had never been out of state before but would much rather do it on our own than with an outfitter. It was a relatively slow week due to the weather, but it was a lot of fun. Ohio licenses are so cheap its amazing. Their season also runs for so much longer its nice to rest your NY properties at some point during the season and have a chance at a monster.
Any of you guys ever head out to Ohio for an archery hunt? I am planning on going this fall to hunt public land (AEP Land in south eastern part of the state). If anyone has ever been out that way I would appreciate any intel.
very dependent on the level at which the boat comes rigged.. and how much gear we would need to outfit the boat as we would like it. Didn't want to put up firm numbers because we are more in the market for value than anything. Certainly end of the road under 18k though.
Still in the market. Thanks for all the replies so far. Would be interested in seeing any vessels that may go up for sale at the end of the season as well, as we aren't in a major hurry.
Saw this today.. hope this helps
Hey all. A friend and I are in the market for a new fishing vessel. Something in the 21-26ft range that isn't over the top pricey. Nothing real specific in mind just something that gets us a nice platform to get in the Ontario trolling scene. Does not need to be set up to fish currently. Thought we would check to see if anyone was on the fence about selling and just to get some extra eyes out there for road side gems.
That is a beautiful trophy and I am very sorry to hear about the loss of the meat to the coyotes, you obviously worked hard to harvest this animal and i commend your efforts. However, I think that this should be an excellent opportunity for all of us to learn from another man's misfortune. I understand the choice to leave a buck overnight is an extremely touchy situation and that every man is entitled to his own opinion and expertise when deciding to leave a buck overnight. After all the whitetail is an extremely resilient and very unpredictable creature. However, considering the situation I would have been extremely hesitant to leave this deer overnight. I think that given the situation you must weigh certain factors and make the decision you deem ethical. The factor weighing heavily on my mind was the temperature. It was over 70 degrees Friday with an overnight low in the 50's . At this temperature assuming you leave the deer from the time shot at say 7pm to the morning say 7am that is 12 hours that a warm blooded animal with a core temperature in the 90's is sitting around room temperature. Venison is an extremely perishable meat and I would be extremely concerned feeding the meat off of that deer to my family. This is the inherent risk with an early season. I don't want anyone to think that I am accusing them of any wrong doing because I think that the choice to wait to recover an animal can only be made by the hunter in the given situation, for he is the one who saw the shot placement and knows the property he is hunting. However, with the broad heads available in today's market and the high speed of compound bows usually creating through and though shots, not to mention the prevalence of coyotes in the woods, it is this man's honest opinion that with the weather conditions as such an honest attempt to find a deer, that can be confirmed as hit, should be made that same day after a waiting period of about 1-2 hours. Again this isn't a science but today's broad heads cause unbelievable wound channels and blood loss can cause death within seconds without the arrow touching the heart or lungs. I know this will start a riot with the hunters who always wait til morning on a questionable shot but this is not just a trophy hunting sport. The sole purpose of this post was to get people to put careful thought into the decisions they make into the woods. This was by no means a shot at the man who shot this deer. I obviously don't know all of the factors that were taken into account in making the decision so passing judgement would make me an ignorant man. Again sorry for the loss of the meat and congratulations on the successful season best of luck on future hunts to all.