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August 1, 2011
Last visited
November 24, 2014
Everything posted by bigCOHOnes
any pics of deck area, motor, and cuddy?
Have not been out in awhile. Where is a good depth to start and what depth is temp down?
Clean jets in the carbs if you are choking motor to run.
Need to at the very least inspect spark plugs if you dont change. As well as your fluids.
Its not watercraft clinic anymore but same guy. Never heard of anything bad and we all know we hear bad before good.
Should be fine if you use a flush mount ac plug holder with a weather cap.
If using sonar only no need for the additional wires. They are for add ons but some ff's use the same harness but do not have the same capabilities.
Sounds like fuel pump bad. Lift pump maybe it what it sounds like.
Does it start? Usually not much resistance on those bulbs on motor.
Power pros at bass pro! And they do the work while you are shopping!
Just wondering if anyone knows how the fishing is in lake o? Where should i start as far as depth?
Yup thats where its hiding!
The only thing we reel in is what we run down the pipe. Let everything fish takes too much time to put everything back down and good chance you may miss a lot of fish. Not to mention hands are full when or if a rod fires!
Put a new water pump in beginning of last summer no problems until Saturday. Will be draining fluid here soon to see if there is any shavings hoping its only the reverse gear or maybe the clutch
Forward gear is fine and will shift into forward and neutral fine. Going to pull boat out and have to unhook cable hoping its the problem
It appears under the cowl that its going fully. Fluid changed in may or early June. Going to be changed sooner than later now
Have a late 1980s evinrude 150 pulled into dock after fishing and go to put into reverse and nothing?!!! Cable is working and can see shaft from engine to gearcase moving. Any ideas? Simple? Want fixed salmon are staging. Any help would be appreciated
I have a brand new low pressure fuel pump for sale for a 2006 to current model 40 50 and 60hp fourstroke outboard. They are $93 retail. I will sell or for $80.
Sent from my SCH-S738C using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Went 6 for 7 on the pm shift. Had a great time fishing with good friends! Tried to keep it up to date but had kings yanking me around on the coppers trying to run to Mexico.
Here is a pic of the nicer ones.
Sent from my SCH-S738C using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Heading in
Sent from my SCH-S738C using Lake Ontario United mobile app
25# burkeys valum
Sent from my SCH-S738C using Lake Ontario United mobile app
450 copper goin
Sent from my SCH-S738C using Lake Ontario United mobile app
100 rigger went off lost it when got in the diver
Sent from my SCH-S738C using Lake Ontario United mobile app