Great company ,felt like xmas today,they sent me two coho crusher instead of my BT candy,called them up and said he would get them right out and keep the other two for there mistake! Nice.
How do you have partial and voluntary antler restrictions? You either do or don't? One buck per person should help? Don't agree,need to limit the doe to one or two too? Instead of people shooting 2-5?if so they should drop the cost of the license if they are limiting the deer to one buck?
Last year got the planner set up for my boat,was wondering how to mount the mast?ended up taking the seat base off the pedestal up front,used a 1-1/2" pvc pipe as a bushing,put the mast in,drilled a hole through all and put a pin in it,easy to put in and out,worked great!
Only been by a couple of times while camping at Sampson state park,always see them,best early am and late pm neat to see them.attachment=33180:ImageUploadedByLake Ontario United1454765851.670441.jpg]