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Everything posted by Kotaztrafy

  1. -Higher in Omega than Salmon (especially the dying ones) -Good flesh year round. -Native to The Great Lakes. -Never dries out on the grill. -Big Heavy Sport Fish (I've had a few break 30 pound test flouro on braid at the knot, needed Mono or a snubber) -Sometimes easy to catch. -They Grunt and Groan begging for Love. -I think they are a majestic looking fish. -But, I agree that they are slimy, oily, carp like, bottom feeding, garden fertilizer, stinky, nuisance, useless eaters. Thrown um all back or give um to me!
  2. Coming up to Golden Hill State Park Sunday to Friday. Of course I am in search of Kings but I also Love Lakers. On average I seem to have luck (at all the ports) going to 100' and trying to drag bottom. Is anyone getting into Lakers ? Where on the south shore from Oak Orchard to Wilson would you say is the best chance for hefty Lakers?
  3. Oh, They reduced the stocking again in 2020. I didn't know that. https://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/fish_marine_pdf/2020lostockinganglerinfo.pdf
  4. They actually gave a reason. It's been a while but i think they said they had to reduce the Salmon to let the Alewives populate so the Salmon had something to eat when they do stock again. I could be wrong. whatever it was, was controversial. hehe
  5. It's called Climate Change. Used to be called The Coming Ice Age then they changed it to Global Warming. Now it's Climate Change. Who can argue that the climate changes?
  6. OK I misquoted The article states: "It is important to note that this situation is not the same as the alewife population collapse in Lake Huron, or the continuing alewife decline in Lake Michigan. Reduced nutrients leading to less alewife food and fewer alewife, combined with too many predators, are thought to be key factors leading to predator-prey imbalance in the upper lakes. In Lake Ontario, for now, we have sufficient nutrients to support alewife and their food. The current issue appears related to poor alewife reproduction in 2013 and 2014, combined with high predator demand for alewife." I Guess I just don't believe that all the other lakes have the same problem but for a different reason, nutrients. Just like I don't believe the biologist who told me the mass of Carp I seen jumping around my boat in Elk Creek Lake Erie were not Asian Carp. They were carp he said, he didn't know what kind, only they weren't Asian... They were. Dirty Great Lakes and an evasive species the mussels clean it up and take over. Now clean water but too many muscles cleaning too much. Then the sudden mysterious invasive species that eats mussels, the goby. Now don't eat the walleye and other fish because they eat goby. Did I miss a part in the article that talked about commercial harvesting? It's not fishing. The Alewives do die off annually and there used to be piles of them on the shores. So the double talk i see is that .... Suppose there aren't enough Alewives because they are being killed buy the cold water up north (which may be the way it always was before global WARMING).But the problem isn't the cold killing them to extinction. It's that there is not as many of them as there used to be. So one can not say that the cold is killing them off or they are at their max because it contradicts the idea that there is not as many of them in the first place....? Take it from there boys......
  7. Ok,I hope to attend the Lockport meeting as I am at Golden State Park and hope to extend my stay for that purpose. I'm just a googan but My idea. They can't raise and stock ale wives because they stated the lake may suffer nutrient depletion as the other lakes have. So they know the root problem. Lack of nutrients, according to the article. So seems to me if the proper nutrition was added to the water the ale wives would thrive. Perhaps a mussel reproduction inhibitor could be added. Now that's science! What did I miss? Hopefully not the meeting.
  8. The Landmarks are Great! I started the topic below a couple weeks ago and got no bites. Thanks a lot Skipper! I think it's very interesting and beckons to a time before GPS. Maybe you won't mind posting the Landmarks on my topic and generate a little interest. http://www.lakeontariounited.com/fishing-hunting/topic/59590-hot-spot-nicknames-history/?hl=landmarks
  9. Yea, we went one day out of Lakeside Park and it's not a bad drive. Staying at Golden Hill Park should make it easy to fish The Oak or Olcott.
  10. Good to hear good news out of The Oak! I'm just a googan but I dedicated my efforts to The Oak for the past 4 years. The first year was good but I don't think it's any secret The Oak hasn't been producing like other parts of the lake. The brownies seem to still frequent in The Oak area though. Going to fish this fall out of Fair Haven State Park (first time) Sept 10th for 5 nights. I want The Oak to get it's act together but Spring 2017 is slated for Olcott.
  11. I first learned, about 8 years ago on Lake Erie, that traditional nicknames (ie. Eagles Nest) were given to areas of the lakes for fishing hot spots. Does anyone know of a publication that points out these areas? I know about the Hot Spot maps but they don't get as detailed as an experienced fisherman might. I propose an experienced (old timer) fisherman could get popular/trllionaire by compiling this information. This fall (the week of sept. 10th) I will be fishing out of New Haven State Park (Oswego). However, I fish all along the south shore and any historical landmarks or areas out of land site would be enjoyable to learn about. I recently learned about The Calf (outta my range). Fresh Salmon my target fish of course.
  12. OK I see you also experience vague or no reports. So we aren't that different. Remember me from the Shipping Lanes thread. And yes, thank you Captain Rich and others who make this the only forum I found with any significant information.
  13. But I am getting a clue. I admit I was out of line with my frustrated comments. My frustration at the time was stirred up by other sources. Though the reply to this thread was vague, because of my ignorance, I reacted to my frustration unjustifiably.
  14. Found a great thread concerning the Calf. It explains the location and such. Getting a clue! hehehe
  15. I am ignorant to the topic of this thread. I would like to know more about the shipping lanes as well. I am so stupid. I don't know what Calf thread is and i can't find reference to it online. I know I shouldn't believe what i read online but I hope this is a trustworthy forum. Pbbst
  16. I'm so surprised that no one likes them. I find Lake Trout very good table fare and great for the grill as they do not dry out and are very high in Omega oils. They are good raw, though the Laker I caught this spring seemed a little more firm than the fall Lakers I'm used to. I say eat um!
  17. Just a little mainstream awareness. http://www.discovery.com/tv-shows/dirty-jobs/videos/sea-lamprey-exterminator.htm http://www.animalplanet.com/tv-shows/river-monsters/videos/vampires-of-the-deep-how-to-catch-a-lamprey.htm
  18. We are planning a trip to Point Breeze April 21-? to target Brownies. Does this seem too early considering the hard winter?
  19. Brennan Beach
  20. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name: ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s): Time on Water: Weather/Temp: Wind Speed/Direction: Waves: Surface Temp: Location: LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: Total Boated: Species Breakdown: Hot Lure: Trolling Speed: Down Speed: Boat Depth: Lure Depth: ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS ==================== Can anyone tell me, In general, how is the sliver bite on the lake around the Salmon River? I am scheduled to fish this coming week and really hope to find silvers. Also, we may have to postpone our trip for a week and I wonder if the silver staging is just starting or nearing it's end? On average at what depth are the silvers being caught?
  21. We are booked for the 11th to the 17th at Brennan Beach. Since they often release water from the dam around Labor Day weekend triggering the Salmon to run to the river. I was advised that the week after Labor Day is the most reliable time to consider. Apparently a flood ruined everything in the lake around this time last year but the river was loaded. Are you aware of the launch at Selkirk State Park. It's a nice launch in the estuary. That lighthouse launch is a broken trailer waiting to happen.
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