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  1. Ran both directions, great day!
  2. Fished 7:30 to 10:00, in 120 to 200 fow. 50 to 60 down and struggled to keep six rods in the water, dipsy with ff at 150 on 2.5 was the stud by far but all rods took fish. Greens and blacks for us. Fishing was truly on fire!!
  3. Ended with 4 all small, had 4 drops as well, beautiful morning just couldn’t get into them today
  4. One small two year old and a few shakers. That’s all for us. Started in 200 and worked out to 430’. Couple swing and misses.

    1. turks


      Tough morning for some reason 

  5. Bumped out to 350 one small steel down 60
  6. Started in 130 in 250 now, caught two small ones down 60 on riggers, slow start for us
  7. Headed out tomorrow, anyone out today? Seeing mixed wave forecasts
  8. We went 6-8 , both drops were kings about 10 ft behind boat ugh! 5 kings 1 Steelie, 70 rigger took 4 on a blue ladder back. Best fish 18# on dipsey set at 190 with ff. Fished 100-140 fow slightly east
  9. Awesome, hopefully post a positive report tomorrow!!!
  10. Was the lake as calm as reported? Planning on headed out tomorrow
  11. Sloow start for us, dipsey at 200 took 2, nothing else moved yet, started in 350 fow out in 500 now straight out
  12. Finished with 2 nice steels down 55 over 370, 1 nice king early in 230, lost another and thru back 5 skips. Heard of other boats doing good 350-450 fow running gear deeper. Dang
  13. Lots of dead water for this boat, running gear 45 - 75 down,
  14. 2 Skippy's down 50 over 300, not marking much
  15. 1/1 in 230fow, gorgeous morning
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