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Posts posted by turf

  1. My friends lund doesnt have a kicker. It has a 75 honda and on plane cranks so hard to port thst everyone (2 other people) have to move to other side to even it out

    Sent from my LGLS990 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

  2. Also get in there and get em right away, have too many times watched them for 2 days do the same thing and fly right by the 3rd day and not even give it a look

    Sent from my LGLS990 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

  3. I have not shot those shells, prefer to stick to the less expensive shells. However my 870 regardless of shell being shot did not like to kill birds with a mod choke, full for pass shooting would take the beak off a goose and improved for decoying birds would kill them, the mod choke wounded them

    Sent from my LGLS990 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

  4. Hit a state WMA today, sorry no pics. But 3 guys got 3 blacks, a woody, 3 mallards and 3 green wing teal. Have not seen alot of mallards yet but the teal were everywhere

    Sent from my LGLS990 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

  5. Rained cats and dogs where we were. Public land had someone set up to close but still had a couple shots. None of our shots connected and will also make an adjustment to where the ducks wanted and see what tomorrow brings

    Sent from my LGLS990 using Lake Ontario United mobile app

  6. Ok here's what we did. Cleaned all battery connections and removed and cleaned the zink annoids. We are out of Oswego now and on the main lake, readings were 0.74 and 0.8. Now let's see if we can catch some fish

  7. It was checked in the water, I also believe the cable itself is isolated by all the plastic and maybe the voltage is coming through the hull to the cable. I will be getting the boat here in the next day or so as Walt (original poster) went on vacation at this critical time of finding out why the boat doesn't catch fish lol keep ideas coming please

  8. Additional info. I know this boat well. It's a Lund rebel 1725 aluminum hull with a honda 75 outboard. Runs 2 cannon manual downriggers, 2 wire dipseys and copper off the boards. Boat is 3 or 4 years old and is trailered

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