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Everything posted by fisherman777

  1. To answer your questions, I've caught many steelhead with lamprey wounds fresh and healed in the tributaries, and have caught atlantics on seneca lake with lamprey still attached.
  2. Lamprey treatments and baitfish monitoring have been going on in the Great Lakes for decades, long before the national debt skyrocketed. Cutting these programs won't do much to balance 37 trillion worth of debt, but it will do a whole lot to ruin your fishing, and the local economies around the lake that depend on it.
  3. Why are you even on a website that is about fishing lake ontario then, if you're cool with the whole thing going away? Without lampricide treatments and the baitfish assessment that USGS in Oswego does yearly, that's what you'll potentially be looking at.
  4. Look up bend it fishing on YouTube. He has a lot of informative videos using livescope for jigging lakers on lake Champlain in deep water.
  5. I'm just honored I made the cut with that tank of a waneta carp. Awesome year Manny!
  6. Yeah that seems to be the situation as you described there. Noticed the curly leaf pondweed back in June forming a ring around the deep edge of the lake. Once that died off, initial weed growth was only moderate until the herbicide treatments which seemed to kill most of the deeper weeds remaining around the lake. Better weed growth was in the extreme north and south ends in shallow water but a lot of that stuff didn't seem the healthiest either. Seems the herbicide treatments might be doing more harm there than good.
  7. Those early weeds were gone by the 4th of July. Herbicide treatments happened there late June, was a flyer at the launch after it happened. Noticed very little weed growth anywhere on the lake July through August and very stained green water. East side had lots of decaying algae. Haven't been back recently but may head down there this weekend and can give an update.
  8. Ranger or Beckman
  9. When you're referring to DEC, I'm assuming you're specifically meaning the environmental conservation officers (ECOs) and not the entire department of environmental conservation (DEC) as a whole, correct? Just for clarification for everybody that may be contacting their reps
  10. It hit a moonshine casting spoon
  11. Caught this one 4 years ago in oswego harbor at night fishing for kings. Peeled drag off at first like it was a 20 pound chinook.
  12. Man I've never broken a j9 or j11 lip on the old or new ones. The j13s on the other hand...
  13. It was a major league fishing (mlf) tournament with the catch weigh release format, so they were allowed to fish it before the traditional opener. Not without its issues as multiple anglers were penalized in that tournament for foul hooking fish off beds, catching the same fish more than once, etc. Maybe tourney fishing during the spawn in any format isn't the best idea...
  14. I think a lot of the problem isn't necessarily fishing for spawning fish as it is catching a spawning fish, then taking it off it's bed down the river 10-20 miles to a weigh in, or taking it home to eat. All those eggs are Goby food unless the bass gets released back right away to guard its bed. The catch and release season has been in place a while now on lake erie without the population crashing, so one would think the st. lawrence would have something similar and maybe extend it till July as the spawn is later up there.
  15. Would be a great idea. Canadian side already does this. Catch and release season from January 1st-May 10th, then closed to no fishing until first Saturday in July...makes a lot more sense to protect spawning fish up there as the majority spawn from mid may to mid june on the river.
  16. Like others have said, get a musky sized bump board if you are consistently measuring bigger pike 40" plus. It will make your life so much easier and the fish won't flop off the board if you have a good grip on its gill plate. As far as girth measurements go, I just don't take them. Most musky guys talk in terms of length anyway. A 50 incher is a 50 incher regardless of how fat it is and I can live without knowing the exact weight on a fish. I'd rather handle it as minimally as possible. For solo pictures, invest in a tripod for your phone and have it set to a timer. Or better yet, get a new gopro that has the front camera screen. Hit record and hold the fish up for a quick video, then pull still photos from the video later on. I do this for all my solo musky shots and they turn out great.
  17. The dec's strategy is not changing to rely on wild reproduction of chinooks to support the fishery. Stocking numbers are adjusted accordingly depending on bait levels and estimates of natural reproduction of chinooks but the fishery is still reliant on stocking.
  18. Nice fish BTW lowjack12
  19. This would be great. A simple slot of no kill for 30-35 inch fish or something similar could accomplish this in a lot of places.
  20. It does affect them. Chinook and steelhead eggs are treated at the salmon river hatchery with thiamine during the egg take process to counter some of the effects of the parent fishes' diets. Before eggs were treated with thiamine, many of the hatched fry would experience developmental deformities in their early life stages. That being said, Chinook and steelhead seem to survive better in the lake eating an alewife based diet than atlantics do. Different fish and different tolerance to thiamine deficiency. All salmonid species out there are affected by thiamine deficiency though to some extent.
  21. From shore, there is decent public access on Onondaga lake at the parks and around the state launch. Big tigers and pike in there and you'll also likely catch a lot of nice bass. Short drive from ESF. Also little further drive but all the lake ontario bays and creeks/rivers have a lot of pike and some have pretty good shore access spots. A kayak would do a lot of good on those bodies of water for you. Look into joining the ESF bassmasters club too. A lot of really good multi species fishermen in that club. Enjoy..you picked a great school.
  22. Sandy didn't lose their steelhead...kings and bows yes but Sandy received more steelhead in 2020 than in 2019.
  23. Pen projects have more to do with survival after release than imprinting. Imprinting is a secondary benefit. That being said, I think it will have a lower return in years to come. A lot of fish lost by taking away those pens. Who knows though...the trade off to cutting Sandy kings and a few other smaller tribs around the lake was so more fish could be put into the pens of the larger ports in response to the overall stocking cut. Genny and Oak pen fish don't have a far ways to go to stray into Sandy. But I wouldn't necessarily bank on it being like it's always been...definitely make sure to appreciate the next few seasons... I'd be more concerned about the loss of domestic bows since that has always been a significant part of the "steelhead" catch at sandy from my experience.
  24. 1) Night is usually better for the pier in my experience, but guys catch them in the daytime successfully too. Early in the run, it depends a lot on different factors like cloud cover, wind speed and direction, water temperature, water clarity, etc. Of these factors, I'd argue that water clarity and temperature are the most important. Dirty water with poor visibility never seems to be as productive for me, and too warm of water temperatures also create a tough bite. As the run progresses into October and more fish come in close, you can pretty much go out there whenever and catch them as long as you're patient. 2) Yes those are good salmon lures and will catch fish off the pier, but they're not the best for distance. Often, the longer the cast, the more water you cover and the more likely your lure is to pass in front of an angry fish. But if you feel fish are in very close to the pier, start chucking those. Also, you noted you use Cleo's in different glow patterns, but if those aren't working, try some other glow spoons. Moonshine brand casting spoons are super popular for pier casting now, and several other spoon types also come in glow patterns (ko wobblers, kastmasters, krocodiles, yecks, just to name a few). 3) Focus on getting out as much as possible. It varies considerably day to day. One night everyone on the pier will be hooking up left and right and the next night, fish will be jumping everywhere and not biting for anyone. It's a guessing game sometimes, and the best pier guys go all through September into October functioning on little, if any sleep. Everyone gets skunked out there eventually too so don't get discouraged if a guy next to you is hooking up and you're not. Your time will come. Hope this helps.
  25. Seen the same condition in several steelhead I caught this year. Fresh lamprey mark as well on this poor guy!
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