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Salmo slayar

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Everything posted by Salmo slayar

  1. FYI. Here is a link to the thread. http://www.lakeontariounited.com/fishing-hunting/topic/48785-add-a-swivel-to-spoons/?hl=%2Bsplit+%2Brings#entry332364
  2. Sounds great! If I can find some spare time in the next few weeks I will definitely be joining you!
  3. What time do you typically launch? Sounds like we would be casting, or would we be trolling?
  4. can you fit more than one person in you boat? I have never fished for walleye, might be interested...
  5. Thanks lakebound! I haven't had much luck with the browns on Cayuga in the past, but it has been great this year. Almost all of the fish were nice fat footballs. Have only seen a few fish with lamprey scars, and only one of those had fresh wounds. I'm hoping Cayuga is on the up swing!
  6. So is the boat "in good shape", or "This is fixer upper" ?........
  7. I have been doing pretty well with the browns and salmon on Cayuga this spring. Lead core was the ticket earlier on, then stick baits off the boards as water has warmed up. Things have slowed down during the last couple of weeks. Got an 8lb brown and a 5lb laker on Saturday, fishing shallow on the south end. Haven't posted any reports, just too busy..... Here are some pics from a couple of weeks ago.
  8. Fishy business has tons of different size weights. I think the price was around 30 or 40 cents per ounce. I picked up a couple different sizes a few months ago. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  9. I don't think I could part with my beloved b day suit, but I may be willing to rent it out if the price is right! ; ) Sent from my SCH-I545 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  10. Thanks for the report! Fishing should pick up soon with the warm weather forecasted. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  11. I use a soldering iron to heat up the tip, cause when I did it I could not find any good instructions and I was a bit worried about putting fire to my precious rods . Just touch the original metal tip with the iron, and it will be hot enough to come off within seconds. The glue that was left over from the original tip was more than enough to secure the twilli tip.
  12. Ohh yea, Looks like the clip was from New Zealand. Here is a clip from the coast guard about the Columbia bar. Not as intense as the first footage, but gives you a good idea of what conditions can be like on a daily basis. The folks from the US Coast Guard to a great job is this video, true heroes.
  13. Ah the mighty Columbia! Graveyard of the Pacific . that's supposed to be the most dangerous water in the world. Fished the salmon run there a few years ago. Great coho fishing in the Pacific once you make it past the bar, and even better Chinook fishing in the buoy 10/ Columbia side of the bar. Conditions change so rapidly that coast guard sends out reports/ restrictions over the radio every 30 min. It's pretty crazy to experience, water can be like glass on the river and the ocen but the bar will have 14 ft swells. During that trip the coast Guard closed the bar quite a few times to recreational craft. My uncle has been fishing that water for 60+ years. He told me stories where back in the 50s he and his father would cross the bar in search of salmon with a row boat and a small outboard. He had a couple real close calls back in the day. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  14. Cayuga is very low right now. I actually launched out of salt point park across the creek from Myers, so I am not sure how the water level is at MP launch. I don' think I have ever seen the water that low at salt point. I went out in a small 16ft skiff with a 5hp out board, that I put in the back of my pickup. Water was low enough that I had to walk it out a couple of feet before I could get in without dragging bottom.
  15. Hmmm. I am still a bit confused. I guess the answer for me is to not fish those waters when the trout season is closed. Seems like it is too much of a grey area to even risk it.
  16. It was a great day on the water. I was surprised not to see more boats. Landed on dink salmon and lost another fish. Cronoticed, did you end up heading south?
  17. Launched out of Myers on Sunday afternoon. Wanted to hit the water earlier in the am, but I guess last fall I did not leave things as organized as I thought I did, so took a long time to get things in order. I told myself that I would head south, but old habits die hard and north to the power plant I went. Landed one dink salmon on a 6 color lead core, and lost what felt like a solid fish that had hit a dipsy with a dodger/ fly as I was bringing it in. There was only 50 ft of line left out, so I guess it must have been near the surface. Water temps were around 35, all in all a beautiful first day on the water.
  18. Thanks for the info! Looks like In heading south then! I will post a report tomorrow. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  19. Cronoticed, what type of program did you run? I am thinking about launch ing from myers thus Sunday. Seems a bit cold still, so I don't think I will do much flat lining. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  20. WOW! I have not checked on this thread in a couple of days, but I see that the conversation has remained civil and unclouded by emotions. We desperately need some open water before someone goes stir crazy. Definitely an entertaining read though!
  21. X3 king. Atlantics have a white mouth while kings have a black mouth, and from the pics it looks like both fish have a black mouth. Quick goolge search and found this site with some nice tables summarizing the distinguishing characteristics of different salmoniods. http://www.seagrant.wisc.edu/home/Default.aspx?tabid=605&FishID=4
  22. This is a great question that I have often wondered about my self. Particularly at fall creek and salmon creek. Salmon creek is not listed here, so does that mean you can not fish from the lake to the rail road bridge after Dec 31? Sent from my SCH-I545 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  23. Just my 2 cents, but this seems like the age old debate of regulation or education, and I am generally against increased regulations. There are always going to be those who simply will not follow the rules, and there is little that can be done about that besides increased enforcement. If you are killing and wasting fish for eggs, another rule won’t change anything, it will just make things more difficult for the law abiding anglers. I think that it would be more productive to educate the ethical anglers about the benefits of C&R practices rather than to impose reduced creel limits. For me fishing is a passion and not a means to survive, while others may not have that luxury and need to rely on our natural resources to reduce the financial burden of food costs. Similarly, I see nothing wrong with finding a good use for what is essentially a byproduct that would otherwise be thrown out. I should point out that I rarely use any type of eggs for bait unless I am DESPERATE; I find them to be too messy and stinky to worth the hassle when an egg patterns work great, but just because eggs don’t “float my boat†doesn’t mean I think they should be banned.
  24. I made pickerel cakes last weekend for the first time. AMAZING!!!! Don't even need to worry about the small bones, just put the fillets throught the meat grinder. Use a crab cake recipe, and adjust the ingredients to your liking. Can't go wrong!
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