I agree with Vince and Shorelunch. I've been a shore fisherman since the 80's when my dad used to take me to both Wilson and Olcott piers. Wilson was absolutely unbelievable day and night until they put the water treatment plant in and the fish never came back. Olcott pier and Lower Niagara was fantastic from Mid August til the heavy run - it wasn't unusual for everybody on the pier/shore to at least hook a fish and that was when it was shoulder to shoulder. Once they stopped the Caledonia hatchery , the staging salmon stopped and the returns were never the same. Shore and Pier anglers went from from an unbelievable year one year to almost no fish on the piers/shore the next year- the 1st non- Caledonia year class return. When there used to be a constant influx of many salmon from day to day , there is now only maybe one good run of fish up the streams and its within a short period of time. Unfortunately, my kids grew up within that poor time frame and never got to experience the adrenaline rush of the constant beer bottle knock over , jolting strikes in pitch black, and multiple anglers screaming coming down. I just hope something can be changed so that future generations can experience what I did.
I think the key words are within 100 feet of shore. Past that, you can fillet or gut fish depending on the rules for that particular fish and discard into water.
I would not go with the tracker if your intent is to primarily troll Lake Ontario except for during calmer conditions. Had a 18 foot targa 8 years back. Thought it was great til the hull cracked- and it wasn’t from the pounding waves unless you consider 2 footers bad. Not sure how they are now but many people had the same issue I had. Just giving you a heads up.
Lund SSS,
What motor are you running on your Lund? I have an 05 prov 19' ifs and thinking of switching to a 4 blade prop for better hole shot and quicker time on plane when full of gear and people. I have a Yamaha f150 and 19" pitch prop and it takes a long time to get on plane ... Especially on the Great Lakes when it's choppy out. Heard you have to down size a pitch or two when switching to a 4 blade.
I personally would not go with plastic holders. They will most likely break from a hit with a big king- especially if your running wire. I run 10 footers from my bow rails using tite-loc rail mount rod holders. They work well but its difficult to get the rod out when a fish is running- even when you loosen the drag. I would suggest buying down east S-14 rail mounts as all you have to do is lift the rod out of the clamp when a fish hits. I am currently waiting for those to arrive. Hope this helps and good luck.
Swr also works great for eyes bc they don't like the dr cable... But you need to attach a thin rubber band to your line then clip it in rigger release otherwise you might not know your dragging around an 8 lb fish like I did last week. Had no problems with dipseys set a 2.5 and even ran a 5 core off another rigger.
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Hey jimski2,
Wondering if Sturgeon point marina sells emeralds or where I could buy them close to there. Thinking of bringing the kids out and have never dipped for emeralds.
I have the 1900 pro v and love it . Handles most everything. I used to own a tracker targa and it could not handle the waves. I got rid of it after several cracks and welds to the hull. The all welded hull can not handle the stress that lake erie can bring. I will never buy another one. The Pro V is everything an all species fisherman could want. My only regret is not buying a 36 volt trolling motor. I went with a 24 volt i pilot terrova which for most people is fine but when on the niagara or erie during a windy day,I find myself wishing I had the 36 volt. I fish for pretty much everything around the western NY and finger lake area ( from perch to trolling for salmon) and the Pro V is the best fishing boat i've ever owned or been on.
What's your down speed when trolling flasher and Plugs? I've always heard of people doing well with j plugs but have never personally done well with them.
It's that time of year when I start running meat behind 11" flashers . I've had success with them in 60 fow and deeper but never shallower than 50fow. Do the big flashers spook them when they are in shallower? Should I try using 8" instead? If so, how long of lead to the meat? I normally run 60 to 70 inches behind an 11" flasher. Thanks for any replies.