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About reelintense

  • Birthday 04/17/1972

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Fairport, NY
  • Interests
    A bad day of fish'n, is better then a good day of work!!!!
    - 1987 Amberjack 270
  • Home Port
    Sodus Bay
  • Boat Name
    Outta-Line II

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  1. Carbon 14 wonderbread UV blue tux UV green gator sea sick waddler
  2. Okay. Thank you Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  3. Tradman… from what I am understanding there is a problem with the messages or messaging App inside the LOU website, so feel free to text me or call me at 315-604-2443. I know you said you were going to look if you had a second card. Jason Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  4. Is this still available? Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  5. Is this still available? Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  6. PM SENT Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  7. HB2... Obviously there are frustrations running on both sides and as a human, I get there are opinions and emotions and we can’t possibly understand the intricacies of trying to find middle ground for ALL parties involved. With that being said, I first and foremost and believe the fishermen here would agree, don’t want flooding, so lower is better than higher. Except for the know reason of improving wetlands, but we haven’t seen any data to show or confirm that this maybe working. Only asking because it appears that as water levels this winter went lower, and it was seen that snow pack and icing (which prevents lakes evaporation) was definitely less, the IJC increased flows thru about mid March (if I remember correctly, as I didn’t go back this second and verify again) and then it appeared to us the lake was too low when you started to slow outflows and we saw some lake increase. All most of us know as boaters only... myopically looking out for ourselves that many of us couldn’t launch boats. Some people have trailerable boats and could find a port, some like me, have larger boats that need to be lifted or heavy loaders to launch and at the time on Sodus Bay only 1 launch was deep enough to take larger boats and it wasn’t my marina. So many were searching for places and gas docks in many places were in excessible for gas because it’s still so low, there are a few, but still.... we are all trying to live and understand how decisions are made, why the plan had to be changed (except for wetlands) and is there a better way for a path forward? We don’t know, we just know as “the lake guys” we launch early (my boat was APRIL 2nd) and normally I stay in til end of October. Will we even have enough water by end of summer to get boats OUT, let alone keep fishing? There are plenty of shoreline communities that also rely on tourism and boats for their short season of revenue and I don’t think the pandemic has helped. Maybe a suggestion is a much more aligned monthly newsletter of exactly WHAT AND WHY things are done and calculated and measured and and and. Hard for humans to not question, if things aren’t articulated for why decisions may be being made. Just my humble observations. For what it’s worth. Thanks Jason Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  8. PM SENT Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  9. PM SENT Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  10. Yeah, mine is off the Rochester bouys data from the NOAA tides and currents portion of the website I visit. I downloaded the last 10 years to see daily averages. One or two days can easily go up or down based on wind and even a quick thaw or large rain. But the fact that it’s going out quicker than coming in for first 2 months worries me... not for spring, but lake season lake levels. We shall see... Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  11. Thick red line is current 2021 year to date daily average water level Thick black line is 10 yr ave 2011-2020 Other thin lines are each of the last 10 years. It does concern me that A) it’s low... B) it’s dropping not rising. Yes, a couple of other years it was also like this and hopefully it will rebound much the same. Just given the latest IJC plans, normally they are piling water up for spawning grounds, and in a winter without a lot of snow so far, surprisingly they seem to have let a lot flow out. IMHO Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  12. Well, I am slightly concerned Brian..... normal should be high 245.8-246 above sea level and we are a foot behind that, a lack luster winter snow, so I don’t see a huge melt /run off coming and unless we get rains, can/will they bring/allow the lake level up or will they be too worried about past levels and downstream (Montreal) flood worries if lake is high and they can’t discharge quick enough. I would like to see it higher by now, not worried if this was January, but I am watching it closely. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  13. Agree on the mix, but elaborating... Mix of size on either Spindoctor or Flasher Mix of Color of fly Mix of leader length from flasher back to fly Mix of speed Ps: my best combo, white Pearl glow spindoctor with a-Tom-mik mirage fly, 20” +/- an inch, Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  14. I also have spare parts, as I took 4 of them off a boat I boat last year. Message me if interested. I’m in Rochester, NY area if that helps as well. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  15. Are these still available? Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
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