I just installed a Garmin Echomap Plus 73 sv on my boat. Directions cover lots of different products
and are somewhat confusing. I have several questions:
1. How do you find the simulation key on the Unit?
2. I fish both Erie and Ontario. Do you use ClearVU and SideVu when fishing deep water? What are
the advantages when the water is deeper than you intend to fish?
Looking for a new Depthfinder. Have always had Lowrance. West Marine has Garmin echoMAP Plus 94sv
for sale. Can anyone give me some information on this unit? They also have Lowrance Hook, Raymarine and
other Garmin units for sale. Any information on depthfinders will be helpful. I have a 16' StarCraft and fish both
Lake Ontario and Lake Erie.
Weighted steel line
I attended a fishing seminar at the Niagara Fishing Expo given by Mathew Swaire on salmon fishing using 25' mono leader, 200' of weighted steel line and 900' 19 strand braided steel line as backing. A spin-and-glow is placed on the leader and can be adjusted by using a toothpick. The lure of choice is a spoon. I had never heard of this method and was greatly intrigued. Do any of you use this method? Can you tell me more about it?
Silver Bear
I am a weekend fisherman and wonder what benefit a depthfinder/GPS chartplotter combo has over a simple depthfinder on
Lake Erie and Lake Ontario? I have charts of the areas I fish. I also wonder if sidescan is of any value on these lakes?
Does anyone know how the above unit compares to the Elite -7 Medium/high Sonar /GPS combos? I fish
Lake Ontario and Lake Erie primarily. If you Know of a different sonar/GPS unit feel free to make a recomendation.
Going fishing on Thursday. Should I fish the Niagara Bar, Wilson or Olcott? How far out should I go? Should I use spin doctor & fly, J-plugs or spoons? Any help will greatly appreciated. I have fished twice out of Olcott with no luck.
Thinking of getting a new fish finder and have seen this model in Cabela's recent catalog. I currently have a twenty year old Lowrance
Model X70-A. What do you experienced fisherman think of this model and are their other FF/GPS units that you would recommend?
Sorry but as a new guy I do not understand what you mean by a loop. I have always used a snap swivel to the swivel that came with the spin doctor and put a snap or snap swivel on the fly and attached it to the swivel at the rear, I have always used the holes that came with the spin doctor. I have never had much luck with spin doctors. What am I doing wrong?
Went out yesterday from Olcott at about 8:30 am. Headed due North and set
in 200 feet of water. Trolled Northeast into 500 feet of water using dipsys
and spoons (light green, black, Orange). Caught one skipper. Quit about 2:00. Tried unsuccessfully to raise Totally Hooked on Chanel 68. Will try again soon.
I will be fishing out of Olcott tomorrow and need some help. At what depth are the trout and salmon now? Are they in schools of any size? Do you go east or west out of the Harbor? Are spoons (color and size), dodgers & flies, flashers & flies or spin doctors & flies the most productive? Any and all help for fishing tomorrow will be greatly appreciated.
I know that the "fence" is the U.S. - Canadian border. How do you determine where it is using a GPS? You certainly did well fishing out of the SBH. I have always been fearful of being caught fishing in Canadian waters without a Canadian license.
I am interested in purchasing some bay rats. What size, colors, shallow or deep divers other than gobbie is recommended? I plan on fishing them on dippsies or down riggers on both Lake Ontario and Lake Erie.
I am thinking of getting some new dipsy divers to replace the ones I lost last year. I originally used different colored dipsy divers on my four rod set up but several years ago switched to all black. I am having difficulty finding black dipsys and wonder what the new hot colors are for both trout and salmon onLake Ontario and walleyes on Lake Erie. Do dipsy colors even matter?
What about the marine weather reports. For example, Lake Erie, Buffalo to New York State line beyond five miles, waves 2 feet or less? Are the waves four feet or less? For small boats, what is the maximum wave height for safe and enjoyable fishing out on Lake Erie or Ontario?
Silver Bear