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Everything posted by bandrus1

  1. As a fellow young person (28) and boat owner I know the expenses add up and you want to subsidize your own hobby.. You just cant do it. way to much bad can happen.. AND most of all you are undercutting the people out there doing it right
  2. the word donation 100% means that he is trying to get around the act of getting all the right tests and insurance and what not I want to book a trip and not make a donation when I am done
  3. he is gutsy 1 person looking to sue him could go and have an "accident" on his boat and he is done for... could lose everything
  4. http://ithaca.craigslist.org/spo/2975062505.html
  5. well it wasnt so much the playing we were discussing it is the net, boat floor yadda yadda we were talking about doing damage...... i have to say on my 19 footer with an outboard it is almost 100% imposable to not use a net
  6. yes closed
  7. the argument was kind based around the net damaging the fish then the handling of the fish and it making them suitable... not dying instantly but making them vulnerable to infection
  8. I only mentioned the targa due to looks........ good to know about all the issues they have had
  9. I was having a discussion with a buddy about releasing fish on lake O. He doesnt think many of the released fish survive after being caught. With the long fight, and then the netting and the release he thinks most die due to being caught.... anybody have any insight on this?
  10. ohh and yeah I am a sea nymph owner and lover
  11. any reason you are going lund? I like the tracker targa
  12. I just run 8lb maxima straight to the bait
  13. yep I went... looking for other similar things because I found a specific discontinued spoon I was looking for there
  14. any reason you guys use a brine and not a Rub? I am new to smoking and have been using a rub to do mine and people seem to love it
  15. any lake ontario/ finger lakes flea markets or expos planned anytime soon?
  16. rules of thumb depend on your boat size but in general south wind you can take higher speeds than north or east
  17. I like the grip..... works very well for reviving the fish when releasing them
  18. there is a party boat in the last pic, I am sure he means 15 people on that one
  19. somebody should email him and tell him it is a lawsuit waiting to happen... hate to see a guy lose everything over something like this
  20. market must just be really bad right now... I know I have seen some great boats on the market for 8k
  21. Ahhh sounded like you thought somehow he deserved more of a pass because of his background ticket is complete BS But hey cops and DEC officers are more tax collectors these days than law enforcement
  22. "ex tank gunner marine" relevance?
  23. evenrude E tec is the answer
  24. not in the water but very close to the water and probably the closest to the board is almost in the water...... if the line is high it takes away from the depth the lure runs... and it kind of pulls the bait at a high angle which I think limits the action.... when the line is almost parallel with he water I think they run more true
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