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Everything posted by bandrus1

  1. Crazy crazy crazy good deal on a tow tube https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006JJMGYY/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?tag=slicinc-20&ascsubtag=aafeae90ee5711e887bf36987a0a01ff0INT&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1
  2. Free shipping over $50 also
  3. Plus 30 percent off clearance still I believe
  4. not me https://binghamton.craigslist.org/spo/d/ice-shelter/6745993215.html
  5. I see a good number on cayuga
  6. On that mental health solution http://fortune.com/2018/02/15/trump-shooting-mental-illness/
  7. its social media propaganda
  8. long gone I have a new in box BER for sale
  9. I was there today. The stuff is nice for the price
  10. Where u located
  11. This was not paid for by the states Democrat party https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Dakota_Democratic–Nonpartisan_League_Party Nice try
  12. So this whole thing is a short game to you?
  13. you can be successful And as stated above it is dangerous! you sound experienced and properly prepared
  14. I u see pline cxx
  15. JMCO I use Dacron backing. it is mostly to help fill the spool
  16. or judges who do not enforce regulations
  17. People don't share information on perch
  18. I could speak with my in-laws What ya need access for?
  19. If you are in a boat I think a boyancy ice suit is the way to go
  20. Go to cayuga
  21. Carl.. what kinda fishing is available the first 2 weeks of January
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