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Everything posted by bandrus1

  1. Not what I'm saying... I'm saying that seems like private people have to give up their time and money for something that should be run by the state
  2. Do you feel the public should be the ones footing the bill and effort for said projects
  3. think Baha is known for Stringer issues
  4. Rember.. always pay for a survey! Good luck
  5. https://syracuse.craigslist.org/boa/d/1986-trojan-bertram-10-meter/6703281102.html
  6. What about a 9m trojan
  7. Can be completely fine if properly cared for
  8. What kinda price? This is a steal https://www.yachtworld.com/boats/1988/---3238305?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=paid+social&utm_campaign=oct2018+dynamic&utm_content=dynamic+retargeting+us#.W76V8YvML3B
  9. While the supreme court dominated our headlines.. We need this re-passed and stronger https://www.outsideonline.com/2350166/lwcf-dead-congress-murkowski
  10. He listed it in canadian
  11. Well that was coherent
  12. How can anybody who considers themself a conservationist vote for Trump?
  13. News flash.. upstate NY is already crumbled
  14. And yet povery rate of NC is higher than NY
  15. The poverty rate of Buffalo is over 30 percent Thriving
  16. $100 flat out not 1/4 of the outlined restrictions in this article are passed. Who's willing to put their money on some clickbait article https://bulletsfirst.net/2014/10/13/cuomo-sign-safe-act-2-law-gets-reelected/ Funny fear mongering is an advertising strategy
  17. This is awesome stuff.. should have a sub forum or pinned section with this kind of info
  18. Meet where
  19. all depends on how much work you want to do..... If you plan on installing all that stuff keep it. If you plan on selling it separate, its all about how much time you want to spend piecing it out... shipping it .... working with people online
  20. 7k stripped
  21. Lol
  22. 20-40 FOW right in front of the lighthouse in oZ
  23. Fish were down 90 to 105 this weekend
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