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Everything posted by bandrus1

  1. I didn't want to be a jerk but I can point out others in that post if you like
  2. Not only a not a bad idea, it's also the law
  3. There are many incorrect facts in this It is not a vessle engaging in commercial fishing it is a vessle fishing with limited ability to mauver due to nets or trawls
  4. I think some individuals in here should revisit the rules of the road before posting
  5. Next in line
  6. I have been on board with a captn who got mad at me for touching spoons without washing my hands
  7. Your experience is the norm. Between pulling the rods out of holders and knowing how to reel down fast and set the hook it isn't best for newbies to be hanging the rods out of the holders As people gave you advise already. Just ask ahead of time
  8. Look in the finger lakes section
  9. The invitational not pro am was this weekend
  10. $250
  11. I'll give ya $200
  12. I'm between the plant and Myers right now east shore and not bad
  13. fish are everywhere.. 100-600
  14. Where ya located
  15. Where r ya a coach at
  16. 6.5 med heavy for me ...... Setting the hook 110 feet down with 1 oz of lead ya need some backbone imo
  17. If you feel a hit go Kevin van dam on them
  18. https://www.ebay.com/itm/3-light-fish-shape-trolling-spoons-fishing-spoons-feather-light-salmon-trought/302825805264?hash=item4681d315d0%3Ag%3A2AwAAMXQs6FRNsfD&_sop=10&_sacat=0&_nkw=trolling+spoon&_from=R40&rt=nc
  19. Yes.. prob is only activated when wet
  20. If it's used it could have very well been damaged while being disassembled and transported
  21. Can ya take a pic and show us where it's mounted
  22. I'm confused... It won't read boat speed on surface or it won't read speed at the ball
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